CCRI nursing fall 2015 acceptance

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, I was wondering who will be applying to the CCRI fall 2015 program in Feb. How many points do you have? Also have you completed all of the general classes or does anyone still have some left and still plan to apply? Thanks!

hey im in newport too, but i dont have facebook or anything:down:

I started a forum on here for us warwick days!! It's under general nursing student

I saw a Facebook Page has started already for Warwick Days, I just saw it. Its private so I guess you have to get permission to join.

I just joined a facebook page for Warwick days. Its under CCRI Nursing Warwick/fall2015!

How do I find this forum?

Click browse- nursing student- general nursing student

Congratulations to everyone who got accepted! For those that did not, don't give up. I graduated from a local private college with an undergraduate degree and these pre-req courses (and the stress associated with getting A's, while working full-time) was more difficult than my undergraduate degree. This is not an easy program to get into.

For those of you who have been accepted, don't feel a rush to complete the background check requirement this weekend, since the company will not reopen until Monday to process the requests.

Thank you for making the time fly on this message board. Best of luck to all of you in the program and for those of you in the Lincoln Evening Program, I look forward to meeting all of you!

I set up a Facebook page for Lincoln evening students.

I'm in newport nights too! :)

Sooo.... should we be getting our letters by this Friday, or at least an email? Hello? Bueller?

Sooo.... should we be getting our letters by this Friday, or at least an email? Hello? Bueller?
that is a great question!!!
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