CCRI February 2016 Nursing Applicants...

U.S.A. Rhode Island


Hi, I'm applying this February 2016 for the nursing program, who's with me?

Go to degree evaluation and click previous evaluations

Under previous evaluations

How can I check that?

I never knew how to check that until I read this. Mine was pulled a bazillion times throughout February and then once on 3/1.

I read on another post that the computer is pulling them automatically. Then towards the end they are manually being pulled by a person.

Yes, I've heard that the "pulls" have nothing to do with the acceptance process... But I'm starting to get antsy! Anyone else feel like the next few weeks are going to pass very slowly?!

Just curious, who else has applied to Lincoln nights? That's what I put as my first choice.

I have applied to Lincoln nights as well as my first choice. Definitely getting anxious!

I put Lincoln nights as my 3rd choice. The waiting is intense. I am starting to second guess my chances even though I felt confident when I applied!

Very antsy. I' m trying to keep calm tho.. I also applied lincoln nights as my 1st choice.

Lincoln is my preferred campus but a day schedule works better for me so I put Providence as my first choice and Lincoln as my second.

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