Published Jul 12, 2012
19 Posts
Ok folks so I have heard rumors and now want to ask some of you who have been accepted. I need to know, when one applies to the program does CCP look at your CCP GPA only ( if you have 12 credits from CCP) or do they add your transfer credits to your GPA? Reason I ask is if they use my transfer credits I would only gt 6 overall points in their system. Thank you for your responses.
68 Posts
If you have 12+ credits from CCP and they are your most recent college credits then they will only look at your CCP gpa. I have a bachelors from another school and my gpa was really low. However, I then took a few classes at ccp, did really well and got accepted to the nursing program no problem.
Thanks NNP. Has anyone taken the STS 101 course? Does this count as a science course in the 12 credits obtained at CCP?
NNP, how many points did you have using your CCP credits? When do you learn your designated points?
I havent taken STS 101, but im pretty sure it counts towards your CCP credits, but only CCP. I dont think the credits from STS 101 transfer to any other school. I had 9 points using only CCP credits which is the highest amount of points you can get. You'll be able to calculate how many points you have after you take the AHT. You get so many points for your gpa and so many points for your score on the aht and so many for not having any F's or W's i the past 2 years, but I forget what the actual breakdown is of how many points you can earn for each thing. I know I have the paper somewhere. If I can find it I will post it