CCM EXam, Questions and Tips

Specialties Case Management


:confused: I'm going to be taking the CCM Exam for the first time this Fall, and would like to hear from those who have taken it; i.e. what study materials (if any), did you find useful, and which areas of the test were the hardest? Thanks!:wink2:

I will be taking CCM exam soon and need that certistep CD, please. How much is the asking price and when could you send it?

I will be taking CCM exam soon and need that certistep CD, please. How much is the asking price and when can you mail it?

Do you still have the CD? If you would like to sell it, please let me know. Thanks! Sk

I will be taking the test for CCM in April. If anyone has the CD Rom that contains several questions and anwers please let me know. I would be willing to pay for them. Thanks CH


I have "A Case Managers Study Guide Preparing For Certification" by Denise Fattorusso 3rd edition paperback and cd. I bought it new from new and yes I passed - 1st time.

I bought everything I could and still have them. All were new.

I also have CMSA Core Curiculum for Case Management, A Case Manager's Handbook, CCM Exam Secrets, The Case Manager Survival Guide.

Where do you live?

Hi, thanks for responding so quietly. I live in Elkin, NC. I do have the CCM Exam Secrets and The Case Management review and Resource Manual but can't find very many questions and answer books. Do you have the ccm exam prep intensive-900 questions and anwers. I learn better if I have questions and answers to see how I am progressing. Please let me know.

Thanks CH

joyhiken1, have you taken the exam yet? I took it today, passed easily.

Some advice, read the questions carefully, look at each of the four possible answers, you will be able to easily eliminate two of the four even if you don't have a clue

I found the questions to be very practice centered, no trick questions.

Congratulations in passing the test. I go April 15. I wanted to go in the morning but was full so I will be taking my test at 12 noon. I am nervous because I took the test in back of CCM Exam Secrets and what I have studied for weeks did not seem to correlate with the questions. I got alot right but several I missed. I pray I pass. Thanks for the info.

thanks, you will do fine. With the time you have left to study, I would study psychosocial aspects of cm, negotiation and communication, and the role of the cm. There was very little clinical, very little legislation, a few questions on ethics, a few on ur, liability issues. Really, you have plenty of time to take the test and there is a way to mark the questions so you can come back to them at the end of the test, so skip the ones you want to take more time with and answer the rest.

What study guides are you using?


I failed the test in July 2010. I am taking it again on 4/16. I am so scared. Every day i study for three hours and do practice tests with certistep. I was wondering are there any healthcare reform questions on the test?


Wow, with all that studing you should just breeze through the exam. I do not recall any questions about health care reform.

Honestly, if was one of the most practice relevant exams I've ever taken. Just take a deep breath, be sure to read every question carefully, and look at each answer. You'll be able to eliminate at least two of the answer options right away. You can also skip any question and come back to it at any time. Really pay attention to the tutorial at the beginning and you can also ask the test center employee to help you with the program mechanics. You have more time that you need.

With the time you have left, focus on: process and relationships and psycho social intervention. Just my opinion and advice.

Write me and let me know how you did.


sorry to bother you agin. I am using the certistep cd and there are many VA benefit questions. Did you see alot of those questions on the test? Last July when i took it i don't remember any, but who knows, maybe i didnt know anything thats why i couldnt remember!

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