CCGA BSN Program Question

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi guys!

So, I just submitted both my ASN and BSN applications to the College of Coastal Georgia for the Fall 2016 semester. I just would like everyone's honest opinion on if I have any chance of getting in-my GPA isn't the best-a 3.23, and my overall HESI score is an 88.4% (92% bio, 80% A&P, 88% math, 92% reading comprehension, and 90% vocabulary). I have gotten all As and Bs in my sciences, except for a C in microbiology. I would prefer to get into the BSN over the ASN, but my advisor said to apply to both, so I would have a better chance of getting in. Any of your opinions or advice would be much appreciated! Thank you ☺️

That is kinda weird.... Have you verified that they actually got the packet??

Yes the friend was a male so maybe that's why?

If you have time to go up to the school I would just to make sure they have everything. I had to go the department and talk to someone on the committee to make sure all of my pre-req's were completed. Bc the registrars told me one thing and then my advisor would tell me another. They actually let me look at the check off sheet they used to "evaluate" my classes.

Found out the orientation date for the BSN is August 19th!!!!

That's a big help! Thank you

Does anybody know if they are still accepting applications for the fall ASN program?

Does anybody know if they are still accepting applications for the fall ASN program?

They might accept applications for both. I see 30 seats remaining for ASN and 19 for BSN. Just give them a call I'm sure they will let you know.

@pghill26 how are you able to see the remaining seats.... Can you already see the classes and the class times??

I'm registered for my classes. So it shows me how many ppl are in and how many seats are left. You should be able to see as well if you go to "look-up classes to add" and select the classes we should be taking for the semester.

Hey I just recently applied to the ASN and BSN program after reading their grades and everything I believe I have a better chance of getting into the ASN program can you please share with me what your grades were like and how you did on the HESI.

GPA is 3.48 hesi score is 89.60

GPA is 3.48 hesi score is 89.60

And you applied for both correct? Have you heard anything yet?

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