CCBC-retaking classes?


Has anyone taken AP three times for an A/B? I am considering retaking it for the 3rd time and just really want some feedback from another student that struggled as well. Will this shatter my hopes of ever getting into the program or just postpone them? I am willing and determined to put the effort in regardless of how long it takes but would love to hear from anyone that may have not cruised through easily with A's. My other grades are good(A/B's). And again I want to earn a better grade not only bc its necessary to get in, but bc I really want to learn the info and feel like I got the most out of the class. Do I give up on nursing or is there still a chance? Any feedback would be great! Thanks!!!

Has anyone taken AP three times for an A/B? I am considering retaking it for the 3rd time and just really want some feedback from another student that struggled as well. Will this shatter my hopes of ever getting into the program or just postpone them? I am willing and determined to put the effort in regardless of how long it takes but would love to hear from anyone that may have not cruised through easily with A's. My other grades are good(A/B's). And again I want to earn a better grade not only bc its necessary to get in, but bc I really want to learn the info and feel like I got the most out of the class. Do I give up on nursing or is there still a chance? Any feedback would be great! Thanks!!!

Test post having issues

Has anyone taken AP three times for an A/B? I am considering retaking it for the 3rd time and just really want some feedback from another student that struggled as well. Will this shatter my hopes of ever getting into the program or just postpone them? I am willing and determined to put the effort in regardless of how long it takes but would love to hear from anyone that may have not cruised through easily with A's. My other grades are good(A/B's). And again I want to earn a better grade not only bc its necessary to get in, but bc I really want to learn the info and feel like I got the most out of the class. Do I give up on nursing or is there still a chance? Any feedback would be great! Thanks!!!

I took both of my classes at Harford Community College and loved my professor. The material is hard no matter what, but the professor really does matter. I have many friends that were amazed at the material that was given to us by the professor to study, and even the website that she has set up with links to excellent sites to help reinforce the subject material. Many of them have asked to borrow and copy my handouts because they were excellent. Also some of my friends have opted to take A&P with the professor I had because you actually learn and not just memorize the material. Understanding the material is really important! I also suggest to many to record your lectures because you will be amazed at what you pick up each time you listen to them. I still have every lecture saved because I plan to reference them when I start nursing school this fall. Another thing I found extremely helpful was watching videos on the material because I am a visual learner. If you go to Harford's website you can find Wendy Rappazzo's website under faculty links. Her website is an amazing resource for A&P students. Many of my friends who go to CCBC use it because her material is spot on.

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