CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello Everyone,

I am applying to the CCBC Essex nights and weekends program for the fall of 2012. I am hearing all the stories about those either getting in or rejected for the Spring day program. Wanted to maybe start a thread for those whole applying with me and maybe relate to my anxiety! LOL

For some reason I thought you mentioned UM Shady Grove that's why I was thinking DC. I would love to go to UMSON. I was looking there but unfortunately I can only do nights and weekends. All the bachelor's programs around here are all day programs. I would need nutrition and chemistry too UMSON. You're definitely gonna have to let me know how it goes. I know what you mean about having a good feeling about a place and being set on going there. I really hope it works out for you.

Hello everyone! I'm also applying for the 2012 E/W Nursing Program. I've already completed my application and now we just have to wait I guess. I am wondering how many people actually apply for the E/W Nursing at CCBC for the Fall. Does anyone know?

The wait definitely sucks. From what I've heard there is about 100 people who apply for the E/W program and they accept anywhere from 40/48 people. So I have to ask...what's your GPA and TEAS score?

From what I've heard, they only use the 5 essential grades to determine the GPA. A&P1. A&P2, Micro, Eng101, and I think the Psy 101. I'm currently finishing A&P2 but my GPA for the other 4 classes is a 4.0. What I'm worried about is the fact that I am finishing three classes right now, A&P2, Psy104, and Soc101, so I only have 23 out of the 33 credits required. Also, I haven't taken classes at CCBC, I'm transferring from BCCC. I don't know if that is a huge factor. I just took my TEAS this week and I received an advanced status, 86.7%. I'm nervous because of previous posts where someone has said there really is no rhyme or reason to how they choose. :scrying:

That's a really good TEAS score. My sucked but just didn't feel like taking them over. Here is what CCBC uses. They actually use 3 GPAs. The 1st is your overall GPA, the 2nd GPA only includes Eng 101, Psych 101, A&P I and II and Micro. The last GPA they use is Eng. 101, 102, Psych 101, Psych 103, Soc 101, Speech, Math, A&P I and II and Micro. That is 2/3 of the scoring and the last 1/3 is your teas. And CCBC, like all other schools go give preference to those who took their pre reqs at CCBC. Hope that helps.

Did you apply anywhere else?

I didn't apply anywhere else because CCBC was the closest college to me besides Maryland. I didn't want to do the BCCC program because they don't offer nights and weekends. Also, other colleges, such as Howard CC, require a different entrance exam, not the TEAS. My plan is to finish my Associates at CCBC and then to transfer to Maryland for the one year program, AA to BSN. I think this will be cheaper for me seeing as I really don't want a large amount of student loans and I can receive financial aid from FAFSA for the community college. I just hope my overall performance is enough to outshine the fact that I haven't been at CCBC and I haven't finished all of the pre-nursing requirements. :icon_roll

It is a really competitive program but your grades are good. And with having such a high teas score that really helps. So what are you taking this semester?

This semester, I'm finishing A&P2, Psy104, and Soc101. Those are the last three classes I have left to finish for all the classes required to finish for the E/W program.

Is psych 104 human growth and development? Which math did you take?Question, can you view your application status online? Some of us who applied really can't view it.

Yes, Psy104 is Human Growth and Development. I think they are actually under different titles in CCBC and BCCC, but they are the same classes and I was told it would transfer to CCBC as the one that was needed for the program. I tried checking my application status online and I couldn't find it anywhere. When I went under applications, all it had was New application to choose from. I wonder if they are going to be posted back up there when the deadline actually hits and they don't have to wait for anymore applications. Did you speak to Gwen or a counselor before you applied?

Several of us called about seeing our application online and they told us that it was a glitch. So I guess you're in the same boat as us that we will just have to wait for the letters to come out in may to see if we're in or not. In the past you could see it ASAP online. So did you get your postcard yet?I've spoken with Gwen several times. She was a good resource to go to. I tell you one thing though that this wait is a killer. I also applied to Harford community college. I find out from them in April.

Yeah, I guess we will just have to wait. That sucks. Well hopefully you able to get into at least one program. That would be cool if you got into both and you had your choice, haha. How sweet would that be? Anyways, no, I din't get my card yet. I just applied on Wednesday last week so I'm sure it will be coming eventually. I guess we have to sit back and relax...:crying2:

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