CCAC Fall 2011



Is anyone applying for the RN program that starts Fall 2011?

I'm going to apply for South. Last I checked, they didn't have the application packets yet. I hope they get them soon! Do other campuses have them?

It would be great to get some discussion started. Thanks everyone!

Just picked up the application! :)

Yep, they definitely have the packets now. I got mine today and am applying for Allegheny. You fill out the last page in the booklet and give it to admissions at your home campus. They will gather all the paperwork and call you when it's ready.

Hi, I'm planning to apply to the Allegheny campus, does anyone know when the deadline for Fall 2011 is?

laramyy: I have to wait for my CIT grade to go through before I can gather my records. After that I will (hopefully) have all of the pre-reqs! Did you take the PAX yet?

Rovila76: The deadline is March 1st :)

Yes I took it in December. I'm so glad it's over with!

Thank you for the info, I took the PAX last week and I didn't do so great, I got 86 porcentile:o, do you guys think that will be enough to make it into the program????

what r your other grades and classes completed?

Rovila don't worry about anything. 86th percentile is great! The minimum is 50 and you are far above that. As long as everything else is in order you are good!

LIG I took all the pre-reqs and co-reqs. It's not necessary, but I intend to work at the same time so I needed to get them out of the way.

Oh whoops my bad. That last question wasn't for me. Sorry!

I think an 86 is good!! I was reading on here that someone got in the 80's and got in. and 86 means that you did better than 86% of people that take it, so that's great. Plus, all you need is a 50 so you are fine :)

I haven't taken the PAX yet, but I am taking it soon. I called and asked about when you get the score report, and they said they print it out for you right then. What this so in your cases (if you took the computer version)?

I took the pre-reqs and all of the co-reqs except for Micro and Human Growth and Development. So hopefully having A&P I & II will help me get in.

Thanks, thats right, as soon as you finish the test, they print out your scores and give you 2 copies. I finished the pre-reqs ecxept for the CIT class, but I'm taking it now, it's going to end on Feb 20th, hopefully it will give me enough time to apply before the deadline on Mar 1st. And for the co-reqs, I'm taking

A & P II and Eng 102 this semester, and the only-one left will be Micro (thinking of taking it on Summer)

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