CCAC Fall 2016 applicants

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


So who applied to CCAC for Fall 2016? All of my documents are in! Fingers crossed!

Hello everyone,

I was curious if anyone received anyletters yet? My friend unfortunately received a denial letter on Saturday. I haven't received anything in the mail yet. I also turned all my stuff paperwork in in February.

I wonder if your friend didn't meet the minimum requirements? Looking back on this forum, the earliest anyone has ever heard was in late April.

I just got my acceptance to CCAC boyce fast track! I'm very excited, and I hope to see some of you there!! good luck everyone!

Got my letter today! So excited/relieved/optimistic! I feel like I'm 17 again!

Congratulations! I'll see you there!

Congratulations to you, too!

Has anyone else heard anything yet?

Did anyone hear anything yet!?!:blink:[

So.. I just called. They said LPN students have not been placed yet and letters will be going out soon!!!!

Got the registration letter today -- very excited about how "real" this is becoming! Though, scheduling a this-is-your-only-chance mandatory registration in the middle of travel season seems a bit unfair. Glad our vacation is before then!

I got my registration yesterday too! Very exciting! I signed up for CPR to get it out of the way. Should we make a ccac boyce facebook group?

I didn't get a confirmation letter either. I first emailed in my application and then met with an advisor and personally handed mine into the office.

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