Nursing Students Pre-Nursing
Published Sep 27, 2021
24 Posts
I have been a member of this site for almost 7 years. I have been back and forth on nursing quite a bit in this time. At one point, about 3 years ago, I was actually in nursing school in an ASN program and doing well. At the time, I was working part time at my office job and took on a new Nurse Tech role in my second semester of school. I went through the full training and worked my first night shift. My anxiety that night was through the roof. At the end of my 12 hours, I decided to withdraw from my nursing program and take on a full time position with my current company. I've since realized it was not the nurse tech job that made me this way but the idea of something new coming close to fruition had scared me.
After I left I followed along with my colleagues careers. I even at one point applied for another program(that was actually higher ranking) and was accepted. I ultimately turned down the acceptance the Summer prior as I was worried about how my wife and I would pay for it.
This year, in May, I finished a BS in Information Technology as this degree had the best application to my current role in my company. I also do very much love working with technology. Unlike nursing, I was able to do all of my classes online and so I was able to work full time and go to school full time. My salary is similar to a nurse at 57k + time and a half for overtime.
I am very fortunate that I have been able to accomplish what I have accomplished in the past few years but I just don't feel fulfilled. I work for a marketing company in a management role but I don't feel like I am truly helping anyone.
I am more looking for anyone else who has been in a similar position. I definitely have the intelligence to be a great nurse. I just don't know if this feeling is fleeting or if I should pay attention to it.
And yes, I realize I am absolutely spoiled to have been able to be in a program 3 years ago and taken up a seat that someone else could have been in. I completely understand any frustration any aspiring nurses may have with me.
Don't know if it matters but I'm 35 yo male with wife, two kids, two dogs, and a mortgage.
Look forward to hearing any other stories or opinions on this.
Devon Rex, ADN, BSN
556 Posts
Hello Willvz, Did you know there is a Health Informatics master's degree? You may want to go that route to satisfy both your skills and vocation. Here is an example:|Google|CPC|CON Masters Nursing Informatics|informatics in nursing&adID=526736533916&device=c&network=g&invocaid=GS-BRAND-MN&pg=GR-Nursing&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwNWKBhDAARIsAJ8HkhfGEhHYqUyANhjUxXPEJ1eybFAHB3ZWRHfS3H1w4iQLymXzrCRbe-waAtINEALw_wcB