I'm curious what you all do with students who have broken or "sprained" limbs, and have activity restrictions per the md?
What we do: no gym or any other specials that involve physical exercise (students go to another special like art or music), no recess (which translates to lunch and recess in the nurses office). Sometimes we may have 2-5 kids eating their lunches and having recess here, which is about 40-45 minutes total (we have a large office so the space can accommodate that). I think this is overkill. The kids should be able to go out to recess and get fresh air, and be told to be careful, but because everyone is so afraid of getting sued, we keep them inside to keep them safe from any potential injuries. A friend of mine has kids in schools where there isn't even a nurse on duty (private), so the kids with colorful casts are out at recess along with everyone else.
So I am wondering, what do other schools do?