Published Nov 20, 2003
108 Posts
I am looking for a website with NICU nursing careplans.
Does anyone know where I can find something like that.
Do you use Nanda Nic and Noc in your NICU????
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
Originally posted by iceNICUnurse Do you use Nanda Nic and Noc in your NICU???? ThanksiceNICUnurse!
Do I use who????!! :roll Sorry.Never hear of it Sigga.
1,062 Posts
We use NIC and NOC in our regular careplans, but have not done the babies yet.
Sorry! I thought everyone knew what this is.
NANDA is The North American Nursing Diagnosis Assiciaton. They have a whole system of nursing diagnosing. We use this system all over here in small Iceland and now we are updating our careplans according to this (they are changing the system a little bit so we have to redo all the work).
NIC is Nursing Interwention Classification and is used with this diagnosing system and NOC is Nursing Outcome Classification.
I am not really good at this thing but now I am in a group in my unit that is reneving all our careplans. It is a lot of work since NICU is so different from everything else.
I was hoping that maby some of you knew where to find some careplans so I could look at them ans see how it is done in other hospitals.
Thanks Again!
Ohhhhh! been a while since I wrote a "real" care plan. :lol We use CPGs. I think that is a hospital thing though.
1 Post
I have the same problem.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
iceNICUnurse. . .I have a file of web links to samples of care plans that people have put on the Internet that I use to post for students looking for examples. None of them are ICU or NICU related, however. I think that perhaps you are going to have to be a trend-setter with this. I have quite a bit of information from NANDA, including the NOC outcomes and NIC activities. Feel free to PM me anytime you are looking for help with careplan writing.