Caregivers Who Have Experienced An NDE

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

This thread was inspired by @Emergent's thread on a nurse who had experienced a coma.

The other night, I watched this video on a Firefighter/EMT, Bill Letson, who experienced an NDE (Near Death Experience) and of the multitude I've read about or seen on videos or documentaries, his description of the feelings he experienced was one in which I could identify.

Basically, Mr. Letson was given an opioid in the hospital which made him "keel over", he was given Narcan, and sent to the ICU. There, he had this otherworldly experience.

Bill Letson's retelling of his experience hit home with me, causing to remember my own, and brought up some really good feelings.



Specializes in Med-Surg.

That was.....astonishing! Talk about a well-painted picture. Although these were just graphics in the video, they really helped to bring life to the words as he spoke them. I have not had an NDE (ordinarily, this is where I would say THANK GOD). But now, after listening to him, I kinda feel 'short-changed'....if that makes any sense. This account was so vivid!

Nowhere near the magnitude of that in the video, I have personally experienced some 'spiritual' things that I dare not speak of, for fear of the infamous straight jacket by those rigid individuals of tangible scientific thought. And I would likely poop quite a few cinder blocks if I actually encountered those little fellas described in the video. 

But I definitely support and advocate for the open mind based upon my personal experiences. If we truly are down here being tested, I must admit that on most days, I fail miserably in this all-out war of thrown blows and ducking-n-dodging. Nothing short of chaotic from where I sit. If the "tall slender being" is listening (or reading), can we get a final grade, a snapped finger, or a clapped hand? Ready for the orbs that Bill saw.

Until then, I continue to strategize, throw myself back into the ring (or onto the frontline---GO NURSES!!), and fight the good fight at the gas pump and grocery line...among other places.

****(Disclaimer: my post is in no way intended to offend anyone. I will never forget the sermon one Sunday where the pastor said, "God has a sense of humor. Don't be afraid to talk to him because He laughs at most of our plans, anyway"). 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

A well thought out, written, and appreciative post you submitted there, ponderingDNP- a joy to read.

Neil Armstrong, after being the first man to walk on the moon, would sometimes tell bad moon jokes at social gatherings. When nobody laughed, Astronaut Armstrong would quip, "I guess you had to be there".

I found your remark of feeling short-changed very interesting, ponderingDNP, and understand how one could feel that way. An NDE is an extraordinary experience, and in essence, a "proof" of an afterlife, something the vast majority would like to be assured.

Mr. Leston's experience is not one which is typical across the board of NDEs, I.e. I don't recall of another involving specifically three beings as he described. The similarities involve a travel to an otherworldly place, meeting loving souls, and a profound sense of love and acceptance.

Your perspective and insight into being tested and falling short speaks volumes of your consciousness, pondering DNP.  I do believe Bill Leston mentioned the akashic record, which is where a account of the good we do is kept. No good deed may be undone, and the bad deeds are forgiven through grace, according to this belief system. So, the fact that you recognize your shortcomings is a path toward betterment.

Thank you for your wonderful post.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
ponderingDNP said:

 Although these were just graphics in the video, they really helped to bring life to the words as he spoke them.

In Emergent's nurse/coma thread, I described during my deepest coma stage, the first of what I later termed "dreams" where I was in a place, like a gray fog, feeling total love and acceptance, surrounded by loving souls in maroon robes. I also described other later dreams.

My experience occurred in 1976, around the time of Raymond J. Moody's book, Life After Life. In it, I read accounts of NDEs which were similar to my coma dreams, which inspired a long, involved research.

One such source researched was The Tibetan Book of the Dead:






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