Career help


Hello Fellow Nurses,

I'm an LPN working in Florida currently. I've been nurse for almost two years, and I currently work in a rehab/long term care facility. I want to get my RN to further my career, but I have to find a specialty that i enjoy. I am completely burnt out on geriatrics. Most facilities are the same. Understaffed, overworked, underfunded, and disorganized. I find this hard to admit to myself, but I find working with the geriatric population to be unfullfilling, and depressing. I find that I am becoming less empathetic with my patients. Most days I feel as though I am more a glorified pill popper, than a skilled nurse. Passing out narcotics to elderly addicts.

Bottom line I can't take the idea that this will be my career. So I am looking for suggestions. What areas out there might be a better fit? I will take any suggestion, and any feedback I can get. I know ultimately work is work, and not everyday will be sunshine and rainbows. I think there has to be better options though.

Thanks in advance for comments.

Specializes in Ambulatory Case Management, Clinic, Psychiatry.

Primary care/outpatient often hires LPNs-- Our organization just hired a handful. 9-5ish hours, no weekends/holidays, less stress. Some urgent care centers take LPNs as well. Also home health, community mental health/developmental disabilities take LPNs. What interests you?

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

What do YOU think you might enjoy? What have you learned about other work environments and patient populations? There are dozens of things you can do as a nurse; start researching and take note of what sounds the most appealing.

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