Career change person, soon to be nursing student


I wanted to avoid law school so I got a private school B.S. in Paralegal Studies in 1995. In the 10 yrs that followed, I could not find a decent job that paid over 35k - I also noticed most paralegals are either on their way going to law school, law students already, or graduates who cannot find law jobs. So I really ended up being a secretary, office manager with some para duties mixed in.

My best friend got a nursing degree and for the same 10 years has never struggled a day either with salaries, benefits or finding/keeping jobs.

My father died of cancer in 2000; and the "legal" field became a slimmer chance for me altogether after 2000, 2001 (Sept. 11th).

I am applying to Hunter School for Nursing as a transfer, 2nd degree student, for a B.S. in Nursing (eventual RN program).

Are there any other career changers here? What are the entry level salaries for nurses? I was told they are seriously good in NYC. (I just don't want to struggle in a moneyless, dead-end profession like with the paralegal scenario).

Any savvy New Yorker feedback would be great - especially if you were in legal and are now in Nursing.


Tina Rose

I wanted to avoid law school so I got a private school B.S. in Paralegal Studies in 1995. In the 10 yrs that followed, I could not find a decent job that paid over 35k - I also noticed most paralegals are either on their way going to law school, law students already, or graduates who cannot find law jobs. So I really ended up being a secretary, office manager with some para duties mixed in.

My best friend got a nursing degree and for the same 10 years has never struggled a day either with salaries, benefits or finding/keeping jobs.

My father died of cancer in 2000; and the "legal" field became a slimmer chance for me altogether after 2000, 2001 (Sept. 11th).

I am applying to Hunter School for Nursing as a transfer, 2nd degree student, for a B.S. in Nursing (eventual RN program).

Are there any other career changers here? What are the entry level salaries for nurses? I was told they are seriously good in NYC. (I just don't want to struggle in a moneyless, dead-end profession like with the paralegal scenario).

Any savvy New Yorker feedback would be great - especially if you were in legal and are now in Nursing.


Tina Rose

Hello Tina Rose. I also did a career change. I was in the airline industry as an Avionics engineering technician (repaired the electronics on the aircraft) made a very good living. got laid off as a result of 9/11. Went back to school in spring of 2003 and had to do every prerecquisite there was , except for chemistry. Started Nursing school in May of 2004, an accelerated program, mind you. I graduated this August with distinction. Am now studying for my NCLEX RN boards. Believe me this was the hardest thing I have ever done any nursing student will tell you the same. but in the end the feeling of accomplishment is one of the best. Hope this will help in some small way. Hang in there you can do it and you can do well. Best of luck to you, It will be well worth the sacrafices you will have to make (which will be many). I know that in New york the starting for a BSN RN is 60K, may be more by the time you graduate. Oh by the way did I mention that I proudly celebrated my 50th birthday this May, all thanks to Almighty God.

Queen mother

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I wanted to avoid law school so I got a private school B.S. in Paralegal Studies in 1995. In the 10 yrs that followed, I could not find a decent job that paid over 35k - I also noticed most paralegals are either on their way going to law school, law students already, or graduates who cannot find law jobs. So I really ended up being a secretary, office manager with some para duties mixed in.

My best friend got a nursing degree and for the same 10 years has never struggled a day either with salaries, benefits or finding/keeping jobs.

My father died of cancer in 2000; and the "legal" field became a slimmer chance for me altogether after 2000, 2001 (Sept. 11th).

I am applying to Hunter School for Nursing as a transfer, 2nd degree student, for a B.S. in Nursing (eventual RN program).

Are there any other career changers here? What are the entry level salaries for nurses? I was told they are seriously good in NYC. (I just don't want to struggle in a moneyless, dead-end profession like with the paralegal scenario).

Any savvy New Yorker feedback would be great - especially if you were in legal and are now in Nursing.


Tina Rose

Hello Tina Rose,:balloons:

After you become RN, you might consider a career as a legal nurse consultant. You certainly have the background.

Yes, I've heard about this. Basically I have just had it with lawyers to such a degree that I don't think I could stomach being a legal nurse consultant. I just always found them to be such cheap employers; with ego and temper tantrums to boot. I really wouldn't want to go back to that for any amount of money.

But who knows, anything else is possible?!? If I get a normal human(e) lawyer.


Tina R.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Yes, I've heard about this. Basically I have just had it with lawyers to such a degree that I don't think I could stomach being a legal nurse consultant. I just always found them to be such cheap employers; with ego and temper tantrums to boot. I really wouldn't want to go back to that for any amount of money.

But who knows, anything else is possible?!? If I get a normal human(e) lawyer.


Tina R.

Hello again, Tina Rose,

When I read your response, I just had to laugh out loud. Not at you. At the comment about the "ego and temper tantrums". Guess what? You will be amongst the "best of the best temper-tantrum throwers with HUGE egos".......PHYSICIANS!!!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I wanted to avoid law school so I got a private school B.S. in Paralegal Studies in 1995. In the 10 yrs that followed, I could not find a decent job that paid over 35k - I also noticed most paralegals are either on their way going to law school, law students already, or graduates who cannot find law jobs. So I really ended up being a secretary, office manager with some para duties mixed in.

My best friend got a nursing degree and for the same 10 years has never struggled a day either with salaries, benefits or finding/keeping jobs.

My father died of cancer in 2000; and the "legal" field became a slimmer chance for me altogether after 2000, 2001 (Sept. 11th).

I am applying to Hunter School for Nursing as a transfer, 2nd degree student, for a B.S. in Nursing (eventual RN program).

Are there any other career changers here? What are the entry level salaries for nurses? I was told they are seriously good in NYC. (I just don't want to struggle in a moneyless, dead-end profession like with the paralegal scenario).

Any savvy New Yorker feedback would be great - especially if you were in legal and are now in Nursing.


Tina Rose

Hello Tina Rose

Well don't feel too bad, I did the same thing. B.S. in Legal Studies with the intention of eventually going to law school. I was lucky to figure out that I didn't want to be a lawyer before I finished undergrad. I worked as a paralegal (pretty much data entry, cutting and pasting text from here to there, with a little research sprinkled in) for a year before I started taking pre-reqs. I'm so glad I did it. Like Queen Mother, I just finished an accelerated program in August and I'm currently studying for the NCLEX. Now all those sleepless nights in nursing school were worth it.

Just wondering, have you considered any of the accelerated programs out there? It might be a good option for you.

The lowest salary I've seen is 59k without any diff, but that's on Long Island. I'm sure you'll get much more in the city. I hope this helps. Good Luck with everything.


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