Care Plan for those waiting to die



I need help with a careplan for a patient in ICU that has NO chance of survival. This patient has Lymphoma, Hydrocephalus, coccidiomeningitis, severe malnourishment, a ventriculostomy, permanently on a vent, and a Glasgow Coma of 5. Basically, he's just waiting to die.

We are required in our clinical rotations to come up with 4 Nursing Diagnosis and the focus on 2, giving interventions and outcomes.

I've selected "Risk of lung, brain, kidney and heart tissue perfusion r/t decreased hemoglobin secondary to malnutrition" as one since inadequate perfusion leads to ischemia and death of these vital organs. In reality, there is no chance of positive outcomes. The only one would be to let this poor man die in peace.

I've tried to work with "Patient's BP, Heart Rate, and ABGs will remain within acceptable parameters" and "Patient will exhibit no further deterioration of systems" but how do I set a time frame for these?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Here are some suggestions for you:

Protection of skin (prevention of decubiti)

Maintaining hydration and nutrition

Grieving, powerlessness, hopelessness (family) of outcome (death)

Ineffective Airway clearance as secretions increase

Self care deficit (what ADLs does nursing have to do for pt)

Is he in any kind of discomfort requiring pain medication?

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
Here are some suggestions for you:

Protection of skin (prevention of decubiti)

Maintaining hydration and nutrition

Grieving, powerlessness, hopelessness (family) of outcome (death)

Ineffective Airway clearance as secretions increase

Self care deficit (what ADLs does nursing have to do for pt)

Is he in any kind of discomfort requiring pain medication?

These are wonderful suggestions, Daytonite. Keeping the patient as comfortable as possible, maintaining patient dignity, and attending to the needs of the family are priority.

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