Published Sep 9, 2009
4 Posts
Hello. I am a 2nd semester LPN student and still getting the hang of this care plan thing. I am working on a care plan for my pt who came to the hospital with SYNCOPE and UTI. She has hx of IDDM, COPD, HTN, DVT, HYPOTHYROIDISM, DIVERTICULITIS, AND CRI (still cant figure out what that is). I have had some good ideas on nursing dx but keep getting stuck in circles with the "r/t" and "AEB"!! HELP PLEASE :)
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
CRI = chronic renal insufficiency? Guessing here, I have not worked in the hospital for a while. I would my first thought for syncope is fall risk, so I would start there.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
r/t means "related to" and refers to the etiology of the nursing problem.
aeb means "as evidenced by" and refers to the evidence you have that proves the existence of the nursing problem.
syncope is another word for passing out or fainting. people can pass out because of low blood sugar, a heart arrhythmia or anemia to name a few medical reasons. cri is chronic renal insufficiency and usually means the creatinine and bun levels are elevated although kidney function is still pretty good and the kidneys have not yet gone into failure, but they could be headed in that direction. cri will cause docs to order different kidney-friendly medications for these patients. they usually cannot be given contrast dyes in radiology for ct and mri scans because of the cri.
all nursing problems (nursing diagnoses) must be based on signs and symptoms you assessed and observed in the patient. since you posted none, i can't give you any further help with any nursing problems (nursing diagnoses) for this patient.
the construction of the 3-part nursing diagnostic statement follows this format:
p (problem) - e (etiology) - s (symptoms)
that sounds like what you are asking in your question. if that hasn't completely answered everything, please be more specific. you can see examples of how the nursing process is used to diagnose the nursing problems on this thread: - help with care plans
Thank you for your help and your time!