Published Apr 21, 2011
42 Posts
I am not so experienced as an RN, I have about a year of experience working in a hospital and a skilled nursing facility, so it is hard to get a job at a hospital or skilled nursing facility at this point.
My question is,
Which job would you like to do if there are two options---working as a care manager (not CASE manager) at a caregiver company or working as an RN at a dermatologist office?
I think working at a dermatologist office seems good because I can still learn and practice some nursing skills such as suture removal, dressing changes, etc. Working as a care manager doesn't seem to involve any medical skill but I will probably learn other stuff such as making care plan, making referral to community resources, etc. But I don't know because I have never worked for both of them.
Which job would you like to choose? For me working as a care manager seems harder than working at a dermatologist office.
Chin up
694 Posts
Care plans are the plan of care for your patient. They require clinical experience, accurate dx, goals, interventions and outcomes. Without them, your patient would not get the specific care they require. I am saying this, because care plans are nursing. The care plan is the beginning of patent care and is followed by nursing, the state, Medicare and Medicaid.
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
i agree with chin up. care manager sounds a lot like case manager except without the umr component. thus, my vote for your choice depends on you. what do you want to do with your career? if you want to remain in a skilled nursing position you will need to work in that area. i personally am trying to leave bedside nursing, so i would go for the care manager job then move into case management. gl!