Published Jul 11, 2010
10 Posts
I'm not really sure where it is that I should put this or even if I should put this on this website but I guess I'll give it a shot. I am a current college student with a very rare heart condition, but unfortunately in order to pursue my education I had to leave all my doctors and specialists in NY. I have no way of monitoring my condition while I am here and the first thing they asked was that I find a nurse or doctor that could take my blood pressure a couple times a week...and personally I prefer nurses because of what doctors have put me through.
I understand this could be taken the wrong way, but I am looking for a nurse that would be willing to monitor my blood pressure so I can report it back to my doctors so they can have some sort of idea as to whats going on with my heart.
If this post is against the ToS I understand and the admin can pull it
Thanks for your time.
Cursed Irishman
471 Posts
Go to walgreens and buy a blood pressure monitor; a decent one is
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,542 Posts
I recommend you establish care with the physician of your choice in the area in which you live.
If your condition needs to be monitored it is best monitored (and documented) officially (through a clinic, NP or MD office) so any changes are appropriately noted and acted upon by a professional.
Per the Terms of Service no one on this site may offer any medical advice or professional endorsements.
Again, for your continued good health please establish care with a nearby clinic.
All the best to you.
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