Published Apr 16, 2008
40 Posts
Does anyone know what the responsibilities of a Cardiac Monitior Tech are?
4,177 Posts
basically just as it says to be able to monitor and identify strips and alert nurse to unusal findings
251 Posts
A Monitor Tech sits at a bank of computer screens, watching for rhythm changes, and alerting the RNs to rate/rhythm changes :redbeathe. Interpret rhythm strips and serve as a resource for RNs. Depending on the facility and patient census/acuity, they may asked to input orders, keep tabs of various tracking logs (admit/discharge, etc.), answer patient call system, page physicians, etc.
Generally, the job is easier than that of a CNA or PCT and the pay is better. No certification required, and most facilities will train an inexperienced person for the position. You must be able to sit and look at a computer screen for hours at a time, and having the ability to go long stretches without a bathroom break is a definite plush :chuckle, as you cannot leave the monitors unattended, and must get someone else qualified to watch the monitors to sit for you while you take a break (not as easy as it sounds).
Good job for nursing students who would rather save doing bedpans, etc. for later . You hear and see much, and get a chance to pick nurse/doc brains on a regular basis.