Capscare LPN to ADN bridge

Nursing Students School Programs

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Hello everyone...I'm currently enrolled on the lpn bridge program at Capscare Academy. Has anyone else completed the program or close to completion or may be interested in forming a study group? I'm having difficulty navigating the course work. Any help and opinions on this would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance!

Hello. Am enrolling soon. Hows is going so far. Do u know of any lpn who has graduated to rn . I live in the DMV area

Hello Am planning on enrolling in the Lpn Bridge Program(RN). How is it going?. Hows the program so far. Thanks

I'm in The DMV along with 3 other nurses that are going to attend Capscare

Good @Aminah. Will let u know when I enroll maybe we can set up a study group

WHR do u live I'm enrolled also

Hey i am in the nc area , i was wondering if we could link up through fb ,i just want real opinions from actual students going through the school if that ok with you, i plan to sign up in may once i finish with pre reqs, so im looking for alot of feedback now !

I'm also in DVM area maybe we can all get to a study group. I just enrolled, How is the class so far AMINAH?

Hi, my friend and I will enroll on Monday. Will keep you posted so we can begin the study group.

Me and a couple of nursing students from DMV are thinking of enrolling how legit is the program?

Hi, I have enrolled. So far so good. a lot reading is due. But that's like any other school you will attend. Just make sure you buy the books they say get.

Hi. How is it going with Capscare so far? Me & my best friend are planning to start together very soon.

@Fufu Hi, how is Capscare so far? Me & my best friend plan to register very soon.

Hi. Did u finish Capscare? If so, how was it and have you taken boards yet?

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