Capitol Hill


RN Lobby Days on Capitol Hill


ANA's Department of Government Affairs is accepting registration for two lobby days on Capitol Hill that will take place during the House of Delegates meetings in June. (6/26 and 6/28/01). Each day will begin with a two hour workshop on lobbying techniques and a comprehensive legislative update. ANA will provide training on the legislative process and effective communication strategies that you can use to advance nursing's public policy agenda. In

the afternoon, participants will meet with their Senators and Congressional representatives. This will be an exciting opportunity to establish a relationship with your Member of Congress and to earn six (6) CE credits .

for more info go to: Capitol Hill Lobby Days

They will probably rewrite the immigration laws to allow more foreign nurses in who won't object to the work environment.

I wish I could share your optimism regarding the impact of this study.

Nurse will continue to be the ones caught in the middle, while the powers that be(Federal Government and Hospital Administrations) point fingers at each other. Meanwhile, while they are distracted by the business of blaming each other, the other major players like Insurance Companies and Pharmaceutical companies are "making hay while the sunshines".

I fear more and more nurses will walk away fed up with this kind of abuse by default.

I reluctantly have to agree, Peggy. I don't think we're "there" yet at having the respect and knowledge of what it is we do. Nursing seems to be one of the last domains of gender prejudice in the professional workforce. They'll still try to hold us to the wall.

On the one hand, it's been a great time to be a nurse lately, after slugging away at it for 25 years. The media recognition, the congressional subcommittee, the unionizing, the independant entrepreneurship, and all the changes in the last few years. On the other hand, it continues to be awful in so many ways. I just don't trust that people outside of us are going to "get it" without further deterioration. Only then...

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