Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) ADN - Questions?

Nursing Students School Programs



I was accepted into CFCC for the 2022 FALL term and I've had some worries about the difficulty of the program. Has anyone gone through it that can give me their experience? My main worry is the extremely high attrition rate and how hard it supposedly is to make a B average. I am worried that I will be ruining my chances at a MSN later down the line if I mess up my GPA. I was referencing average NCLEX scores over the last 10 years and CFCC has the highest out of all Universities and Community Colleges in the state. Which I know implies that it will be overtly challenging to make it through. 

Thank you

Specializes in nursing student.
sunflowergirl33 said:

I am out of state so it is a crazy thing for me right now! 

trying to figure out whether or not to make the move is causing me HUGE STRESS!! What is your plan if you don't get accepted this round? What have you heard about CFCC's admissions if anything? 

I feel so out of the loop

If I am not starting this round, I'm applying for the fall and I *know* I'll have to get in by then bc I'll have at least a 422-437 by then. I am assuming admissions will be better for Spring bc there are less high school grads that apply compared to the fall. I'm currently a CFCC student and have nothing but positive things to say about the campus and instructors. It's a great (underrated tbh) school with a nice reputation. 

thank you for all the info!! It is super helpful! I just got word back that they will stop accepting alternates about 3 weeks out from the start date.

Minime86 said:


Im happy to hear you got in! What is the date you have to claim your spot by?

MEDIMAVEN, how are you doing??

Hi! How are you! 

Fine. How are you doing?

Im alright! Anxious for days haha. How are you feeling after your acceptance?! 

Fine but it's alot of stuff I have to do prior to orientation.  Girl I know what you are going through. I was previously on the wait list at another school as well, I just kept applying to schools. All I can say is God knows what's best. I would have went to that school if I got accepted but I had doubt about it. I heard bad things about the school. There customer service skills were horrible, and they lost there accreditation before. You are on the alternate list, atleast they didn't deny your application. Stay positive.


Thank you so much. Your words mean more than you know!! In a weird way it helps to chat with other students in the same boat as me. I am trusting in God's plan! It has been a weird feeling but I am thankful for the opportunity regardless. I hope you are able to get those things done! I will be at orientation anyways, to make sure I don't lose my spot! 

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