Published Aug 8, 2012
34 Posts
Forgive me for ranting but I'm seriously freaking out. I have been unable to locate a copy of my immunization record and my LPN classes start on Monday. My last immunizations were done at a urgent care center so I contacted them in June about getting a copy of my record and was told that it would take about 30 days because they keep records at an off site location. They call me today and tell me they can't get a copy of my immunization record because of a system crash that occurred after I had them done. The two shots that I need proof of are the third Hep B and a Td. I have no insurance and just cannot afford to spend $150.00 right now. My only other option is to call my doctor and see if I can have titers drawn. Is titers available for the two shots I need? Again sorry for the rant, I'm just really frustrated.
42 Posts
Yes, you could have titers drawn, but they are expensive and it is doubtful that you could get the results 5 days from now. When you had the immunizations were you given any paperwork? If you kept that perhaps they would accept it as "proof" until the results of your titers come in provided you do get them drawn immediately.
The only other suggestion is that with the Hep B you may be able to sign a waiver "refusing" immunization. Some schools allow this for that vaccine only. Of course, you know that you had the series so you won't be worried, and once your titers come in and show immunity (and you give it to your school), your DON should feel comfortable too.
The only question is whether they will allow this wiggle room from the day you get titers drawn until the results are in. I would find that out ASAP.
I hope it all works out for you.
mzrainydayz, BSN, RN
364 Posts
At my school you can get or decline the Hep B series, so maybe you can sign a paper declining the Hep B until you can get your paperwork. For the TD you don't have proof so you can't get a booster shot, so you would have get the TDaP shot. You can't get a tither done for either Hep B or TD I asked my DR because I wanted to do the same, and she said no you can't do a tither for those.
nekozuki, LPN
356 Posts
Contact your local health clinic. They offer tetorifice shots for much less than a doctor. I was able to get mine for 25 dollars. As for your hep shot, it sounds suspicious that they can't locate your records. I would keep pressing them, calling and demanding records. If you can confirm you paid for it and they cannot produce paperwork, maybe there is something that can be done? Also, many schools require that you start the Hep series, not necessarily finish it. Will the 1st one work?
I have a copy of an older immunization record, it just doesn't show my most recent vaccinations. The copy I have shows my first two Hep b shots and a couple of Td shots. I had my third Hep b and a Tdap shot done at a different doctor, that's why the record I have doesn't show those and the urgent care that gave those vaccinations is saying that they lost all records from 2006 and part of 2007 due to a system crash so they can't help me. There is one more place that is supposed to have a copy of my record, a college I was planning to attend, and their health services is currently trying to find my record for me. I just talked to one of my nursing professors and she said that I can have a titer drawn for the Hep b. I called the health department in the next county over and can get a Td for $21.00 and the third Hep b for $50.00 which is cheaper than having the titer drawn. If I don't have any luck with getting my record in the next few days I'm just going to get revaccinated. As long as I have proof of all immunizations before I start clinicals in October then I'm good.
I can breathe a sigh of relief now, the health services was able to locate my record and mailed it today so I should get it tomorrow. I feel so much better now.
You absolutely CAN have a titer drawn for Hep B. I've got a copy of mine in my briefcase.
I finally got my immunization record in the mail yesterday thanks to the previous college I was planning to attend back in 2006. Now I can stop stressing over that and start stressing over my first day of class which is this Monday!! Being 36 I'm nervous about sitting in class with 24 other people but so excited.
24 Posts
Don't panic honey just go to your local Health Department. They have records from birth to current. All Doctors put your immunization in a state data bank and you can get that from the Health DEpartment. Good luck
I'm so glad you were able to get a cop of your immunization records! I'm almost 20 years older than you are and I'm about to start this fall too, so don't ever think you're too old to learn something new.
Just remember, everyone else is just as nervous as you are. You'll do just fine! Keep your eye on the prize and remember that every day is one day closer to your goal!
Congratulations and try to relax enough to enjoy your first day tomorrow. It's one of those "big moments" in life - your first day of nursing school! :)