Can't Get Hired as an RN


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Nurse Beth,

I graduated from nursing school with an associates degree in 2014, got my license in 2016, applied for jobs and was called from one company. The company that hired me, never gave me any assignments, which makes me think that the company was never legal. I continued to seek employment, but got shot down because of the encouragement to obtain a BSN. Since this was something that I was going to have to do anyways, in 2017 I applied to school to obtain my BSN. I just graduated, and now it's nearly impossible for me to get a job, since I haven't seen a patient in over 4 years. I was thinking of taking the refresher course, but that is another 3 thousand to tag on to my school loans that I really don't want to add on. What should I do?

Dear Can't Get Hired,

Most employers will look at both your initial licensure date and your graduation date and have concerns that you haven't had any experience as an RN. You are no longer a new grad, so you are not eligible for new grad residencies.

It's good that you have your BSN, and a refresher course will also help your resume. In a refresher course you can make contacts that can lead to a job. Taking a refresher course shows initiative, and will help you gain confidence in your skills.

Another option is to hire on at a subacute facility to start gaining nursing experience.

You are in a challenging spot, and you have to be very motivated and proactive at this point. In my book below are listed all kinds of strategies and tips to help you land a job, from an insider's point of view :).

You've put a lot into your education, and you have a narrow window to make your nursing career happen. You can do this.

Best wishes,
Nurse Beth

Author, "Your Last Nursing Class: How to Land Your First Nursing Job"...and your next!

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