Canadian Psychiatric Nurse Transfer to USA?


Hi there,

I am wondering if anyone has any type of support or similar circumstances around my particular situation. I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing obtained from Douglas College in BC Canada and am interested in study or work options in the USA. I did not write the NCLEX but am wondering what the degree equivalency is, or if anyone has done this or had their education evaluated. No idea where to start, or if there are any short term Nursing programs in the USA for holders of bachelor degrees.

Thank you

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum

Suggest checking out the state BON website and see what requirements are and whether you meet them

Hi, just curious if you ever figured it out? I'm in the same situation and am trying to figure out how to go the the US as a canadian RPN from Douglas College, so if you have some info I would love to hear it! 

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