Published Mar 24, 2009
trevor dobson
6 Posts
Any advice would be very greatly appreciated,
I am a Canadian citizen who has been accepted to university in Australia at Australian Catholic University for the 3 year Nursing program. I have researched and researched for many months, trying to find out how difficult it is for someone in my situation to come back to Canada to work as a nurse. Again, I am a Canadian Citizen from Nova Scotia planning to study in Australia but after that would like to return to Canada to work as a nurse.
The degree in Australia is 3 years and only 24 courses, where as most of the programs I have researched in Canada at Dalhousie,Mount Royal and St FX are all 40 course programs.
Is anyone else in this situation? or do you know of anyone who has been in this situation? I would really like to contact someone else who has done this or done similar to this.
I have called many agency and associations but no one can give me a straight answer,
could someone please give me some advice.
kind regards,
613 Posts
May I ask why you want to do the training in Australia, instaed of training in Canada and then go to Australia???
The reason I ask is with your canadian education you won't have trouble nowhere, especially regarding the fact you want to come back to Canada, but with only a 3 years education you might face troubles in the future, especially in Canada.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Most provinces are going the route of BSN so you would need to make sure your training meets the same requirement. Also be aware for the purpose of registration in any province doing your training outside of Canada will mean you have to meet IEN requirements
silverdragon102 and 5cats, thank you so much for your feedback
The reason why I want to study is Australia is because my girlfriend is from Sydney and also I own and operate a ski school in Japan, also the Aussie summer holidays and Japans winter are the same. At the same time though I want to get the education that will provide the most versatile degree and would prefer to not have to go back to uni again after finishing my first degree. It seems as though with the 3 year degree you can not work anywhere else without having to go back to school to take more courses. Any idea how long it may take to get the required courses in order to work in Canada?
I had called the Canadian nurses board to find out information and then the Australian board but no one seems to be able to tell me much, some say ya maybe you will be alright, some say maybe you'll have to study another couple years. Id just like to speak to someone who has done it or knows someone who has.
A lot will depend on what is submitted by the nursing school once you complete training in your transcripts. We have seen people post that they have done the same training as one of their friends and they had to make hours up in a subject when their friend didn't. I would say make sure you get adequate hours in all areas general adult, maternity (obstetrics) mental health and paeds both clinical and theory and actually check with the province nursing board to what hours both clinical and theory is required they should be able to tell you
Problem is nobody knows what the requirements will be in about 4 years time, but my guess and looking at the trend that a 4 year BSN will be required nationwide eventually.
So theoretically it can take you another year or more, depending on province requirements plus what they have to offer for IEN's, once you are back in Canada to get your qualifications. On the other side when you're lucky everything will be accepted without to much hassle.
So yeah, it's up to you if you want to take the risk:)
Good luck