can i train my squemish stomach?

Nurses General Nursing



I am currently a highschool senior and am going to begin nursing school at Loyola University of Chicago in the fall. I have wanted to be a nurse for quite some time and am very excited and anxious!

But... I am also very scared. I have a weak stomach and sometimes even the sight of open wounds or other major injuries can make me nauseous and light headed. Is this something I will be able to get over with time and experience? How many "gross" situations am I going to encounter as a nursing student? Am I naive to believe that this is not a major issue that is going to inhibit me from becomming a nurse?

Sorry for all the questions but I am very worried that I will begin nursing school and not be able to handle it and waste a lot of money and time.

Thank you for any input!

I thought I would have a problem with stuff. So far so good. (last year in BSN)

My vomit chart (10/10 equals will vomit if full, or completely dry heave)

Before: poop smell 8/10

After NS rotations poop smell 5/10

Before: Phlegm 9/10

After NS rotations: Phlegm 5/10

Injections before: Kinda scared. 8/10 shakiness

Injections after: 1/10. I got to like making kids cry. After all, it is for their own good!! :D

Blood and gore before: wasn't sure, because I never saw it really much, but thought I would be a bit sqeemish/lightheaded/etc.

After: I can be hip deep in organs, blood and tissue and not even bat an eyelid.

PROTIP: Vicks is great for under the mask.

PROTIP2: The mask hides a big gag pretty well, except for the eyes watering part.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I don't know if this will be seen as "medical advice" or not...I hope not, but what I did in the beginning was take an OTC antiemetic. PM me for the brand names...although the primary side effect can be drowsiness, so I halved the dose. It works great; I still do it from time to time. I can clean up vomit, but cannot be in the room with them while they are doing it.

Vicks is excellent to dab on your upper lip for smells like gangrenous wounds.

Mods: If this sounds like medical advice, I'm sorry...don't mean it to be. Just some suggestions for the OP that worked for me.

Blessings, Michelle

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