Published Jul 12, 2008
22 Posts
I know nursing has a lot to do with science and math. Can a person who is not that great in both subjects, become a nurse? I want to become a nurse but will I be able to if am not great at the two major parts in nursing. Has anyone been through this? Tell me your story and experience. What did you do to overcome in your weaknesses? Can it be done? Thanks to all in advance.
RhodyGirl, RN
823 Posts
Yes. A person who is not great at science and math can become a nurse. It will just take extra studying, motivation and dedication on behalf of the student.
Math and science were never my strong points in highschool, but I have done very well in college. It's all about time management, focus, and determination.
282 Posts
I'm curious to know what aspect of math and science is difficult for you. There are some things (like anxiety) that are easier to overcome than others.
Are you a female? Did you have male or female math and science teachers? Women usually process information differenly than men and girls tend to get overlooked in high school and grade school. A lot of women think they are bad at math and science when in reality they just have been given a chance. Studies show that girls get very little attention from science teachers.
146 Posts
Are you interested in science at all? I don't like math but you try to get through it as best as you can. I have always loved science and over the years I've always read about it and watched it on t.v., you know like, Discovery channel or National Geographic?
If you need to, get a tutor or get help at school. You could ask friends too. Go to a used book store and get some basic math books you could practice with. Don't let it intimidate you! With time and practice you will learn.:nuke:
I was really afraid of taking an English class the first time I went to college (we moved around so much that I went to 4 different high schools in 3 different states) so guess what? First class I took was fundamentals of grammar and composition and I made an A. Then I took English composition I, another A and so on... Go to the community college and start with the fundamentals if you're unsure but don't let it bring you down.
29 Posts
I hate hate hate math, and i am sure the feeling is mutual :).Always has been a rough area for me.Extra studying and hard work will make it work.I , on the other hand, have always loved science ever since i can remember.That again applies to the previous statements, work hard at it and it will pay off.
rndavu729, ADN
64 Posts
Math and science were my worst subjects in school as well. I am very interested in A&P and enjoyed that aspect, but general sciencs...not so much. However, I got A's in both during my classes for nursing. When this is what you do whatever is necessary to understand it. Being that I wanted to be a nurse, I had to understand how it all relates. You'll do great!! Best wishes!
4 Posts
Science for me is very hard!!! However, I just have to put a little extra studying in it, and just take my time. IF you beleive you can do it, you can belelive me!!! I'm in my second semester of nursing school, and I am doing ok. I'm not an A student in theory, but in clinicals I rock!! If you really want to become a nurse, go for it!!! You can do it!!!
Tash4nvyblues, RN
109 Posts
I was hopeless at maths (and still am), and biology, not a strong point with me. The university where I went to had a great tutoring system where volunteers, that had passed the subject the previous year, gave their time to help with the areas I was weakest in. I passed every subject. Uni is only a small part of nursing, if you think you would make a good nurse, then go for it. Sometimes, the students who do the best academically in nursing can make for the crappiest of nurses.
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
you absolutely can become a nurse if you are weak in science and math. i am living proof ! work hard and keep your focus. study, study, study don't be too proud to ask for extra help when you need it. get a tutor. work with a group of other students who struggle with the same thing. there is strength in numbers. good luck to you, you can do it !
295 Posts
Most nurses I know are not good at math and downright hate it! Personally I love all things science and that came very easy.
You can most certainly still become a nurse. Putting those subjects to work in nursing classes and situations will make it come together and make sense. Good for it!