Can Someone Help Me With....


Specializes in OB, Women’s health, Educator, Leadership.

Starting a website? I am soooo confused with all the info out there. It's not like we as nurses don't have enough to do when starting a business but now to set up a website. When is the best time to do this? My business is still in its beginning stages. However, I would like to start submitting articles just to dip my toe in the water and get my name out there. It seems like everyone who does this has a byline with a web address. Don't want to use my personal e-mail. Should I set up a website or alternate e-mail? :o Please help!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello, passionflower,

Valid questions/concerns.

My own personal experience: I set up a website about 8 months after I started my business. It wasn't high on my priority list. I recommend buying your own domain. I did this and it does look very professional. example: my name - at - name of business - dot - com. It shows that I have my own domain and not at the mercy of aol, msn, yahoo, etc. The email is totally separate from my personal email addy.

I have a 'tag line' and break down each one (there are three aspects of the tag line) with a personal touch about the business.

I've since added extra pages and links as well as uploaded example case studies for review by my clients.

Every week, month, and/or prn, I'll check the "hits" on the site. I have it broken down to see which page is most viewed, time of day viewed, etc.

Hope this helps and if you need to speak privately, please send a private message.

Specializes in OB, Women’s health, Educator, Leadership.

Thank you for the info. I truly appreciate it! It sounds very professional and very nice, but I wonder about the cost to set it up. It seems as if having a website is a necessity now and I admit whenever I hear someone say they have a business, but no web address I question their commitment. Also, as a consumer I feel businesses with websites are "real" and I am more apt to visit their sites for further info. I just hope I can set this up without breaking the bank. I am going to start researching domain names. Thanks.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Actually, the intitial set-up fees are not steep, at least I didn't think so. This included custom template, artwork, flash navagation, modified logo, and weblinks.

Initial fees: approx. $900.00

I'm certain there are others that are less expensive, but just be careful. Shop around. Others are more expensive. But, mine looks professional, clean, not cluttered, and brings in business. ;)

Well worth the expense.

If you go to yahoo you will find that setting up your own web site is very inexpensive. I did it with very little knowledge and very little money. I actually found it was fun.

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