Can OR nurses move from OR?


Specializes in Peds- ICU.


Hey I am a tech right now and I am thinking of staying in the OR as a nurse. But I think I would like to try the floor or the unit at some point. Do anyone feel like once you start as a OR nurse you are stuck as a OR nurse for the long haul?

Thank you,


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Stuck as an OR nurse? Nah. Steep learning curve in a new area? Absolutely, but that's true for anyone changing specialties. However, most nurses who work in the OR never leave because they enjoy it so much. I've changed jobs, but they've all been within the same OR and I have zero plans to leave the OR until I can no longer physically handle the job.

Specializes in Peds- ICU.

I have been a tech for 9 years in different OR, I know that I would great and adjust to being an OR nurse with no problems... But I am not sure if that is what I want to do at this point in my career. I was thinking of maybe starting in a cardiac floor, or steph down and work my way to NP. And If I don't like want I doing I could always return to the OR.

I would just like to see just what is on the other side of the OR door's....



Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

As a new grad you should start on a med-surg floor so you can build you basic nursing skills.

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