Can a nurse work in Brazil without any registration?

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Please can a nurse work in Brasil without any registration ..,so far u have your certificates.

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In Brazil, foreign-trained nurses cannot practice without proper registration through the Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (COREN), the regional nursing council. While having your nursing certificates and qualifications is a necessary first step, you still must meet the following requirements to practice legally:

  • Recognition of Qualifications (revalidação). Your foreign nursing degree needs to be validated by a Brazilian higher education institution (if it was earned outside of Brazil). This process is known as revalidação and involves reviewing and comparing your academic qualifications to Brazilian standards.
  • COREN registration. After your qualifications are recognized, you must register with the Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (COREN) in the state where you plan to work. CORENs regulate nursing practice in Brazil, and registration is required to obtain professional authorization.
  • Portuguese language proficiency. If your nursing education was not in Portuguese, you may be required to demonstrate proficiency, as it is essential for effective communication with patients and colleagues.

Once you complete these steps, you will be legally recognized as a nurse and can work in Brazil. However, the process of revalidation and registration can take time, and requirements might vary depending on the region or institution.

If you are considering working in Brazil, you should contact a local COREN or a university that handles the revalidation process for more specific guidance.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth