Can I work as a CNA as an experienced RN?RN with

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I am a BSN holder in Nursing with 8 years of bedside experience. Can I apply for a CNA nurse job in the USA?

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Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Yes, you can apply for a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) position in the USA with a BSN and eight years of bedside experience.

However, CNA positions typically require less formal education and fewer years of experience than registered nursing roles. Your extensive knowledge and higher education might make you overqualified for a CNA role, but it could offer you unique advantages, such as advanced clinical skills and leadership abilities.

Make sure to review the specific requirements of the CNA position. Some hospitals waive CNA certification for experienced nurses or nursing students. However, some facilities require a CNA certificate. In acute care, this is a facility-specific decision.

Long-term facilities may not be as flexible. Again, it depends on your state. If you come across a position you want, apply for it, and they will let you know.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth