Can I take Health/Safety and Info Lit early?


I got a lengthy email back from admissions that was generally helpful. What I am wanting to know is if I can take those two classes while still in LPN school. The rep from EC said No, but, I don't understand why I couldn't take them if I said I was listed as a non degree seeking student.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Health and safety class is for enrolled students only from what I understand. The exam is different. It's possible the answer is no because you are not eligible to apply and be accepted since you don't have an LPN license. I think you need to be accepted not necessarily enrolled to take non major classes.

I can't check the website right noe

Thanks JustBeachyNurse. Are there any other places I can take Information Lit presently?

Specializes in Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine.

They were taking penn fosters info lit but I think they changed that recently to only accepting excelsiors. My advice is just focus on lvn school and passing the nclex, as soon as your lvn is posted by your bon you can start ec classes.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Thanks JustBeachyNurse. Are there any other places I can take Information Lit presently?

Not at this time. Most schools incorporate info lit into major courses. Such as rec management info lit was fulfilled by research methods.

As of 1/1/2013 the info lit class at Penn Foster no longer is acceptable to EC.

Agreed. Focus on your practical nursing program and passing the NCLEX.

They changed it so that Health Safety can only be taken by enrolled students, but you could probably go ahead and do transitions.

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