Published Aug 14, 2008
22 Posts
I did so well on my A&P Lab final that I went form a C to a B for my final grade. I did so bad on the lecture part of A&P that I went from a B to a C (two different classes) for my final grade. You want to know what the funny thing is? I have a bachelors degree in Business. In my major I had a 3.96. I guess science is not my strong point.
169 Posts
Please do NOT beat yourself up! A&P is hard and challenging. You CAN do this. Keep plugging away
88 Posts
Everyone has their strong areas and their not so strong ones. I applaud you on your GPA in Business. I don't think I would have done so well in that area. Though biological science is one of my favorite subjects (not so much in chemistry and physics), it's more important that you learned and can retain and apply the information introduced to you.
For instance, if you had to choose, would you choose to:
Get a teacher that gave you the information, was pretty easy, didn't challenge you, nor did you have to study to receive an A
Get a teacher that pounds information into your brain, has high expectations of his/her students learning, gives you tons of info, makes you study and you learn a ton of info, but pass with less than an A.
True enough, it is disappointing to get less than the grade you desire to get, but it is most important that you learned and know your s**t.
I would much rather get a nurse that knows her A&P and passed with a B/C than get one that skated by with an A, but doesn't know everything they need to know about my body.
As long as you know you studied and did your best, don't stress over what is done. If you know you aren't going to repeat the class, move on from here. The next science class may require a little more study time, but this is barely a speedbump in your road to nursing unless you have to have a 4.0 to get in your program.
Focus now on what is ahead, you've pouted for a second...and hey I'll pout with you, but you have to promise to be all smiles from here! Well maybe not all smiles....
I hope you accomplish all you desire.