Published Apr 22, 2005
14 Posts
I will be applying to our local LPN program in September of this year- My youngest starts school in August. I have 3 others in school. I practically have no one to depend on but myself to take care of my kids, unless I hire sitters. I will be working as a CNA on Friday and Saturday nights, and I recieve survivors benefits where my husband passed away years ago, so I do have income. It's managing the kids is my only concern. I'd like to hear of any dilemnas any of you may have had going to school and trying to juggle children. Horror stories, comments, suggestions, advice. Also, once you get into nursing school, are there many more things to pay for throughout the year that they don't make you aware of at the beginning of the program? I'm saving $$ and interviewing backup sitters, but I'm also trying to prepare for the worst scenerios, as I know it won't be easy. Thanks for any input. PS- This program is only 12 months long.
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
Yes, you can do anything you set your mind to. It will be difficult, but if you want it bad enough. I did not have the situation you have... I had a good support system... and 5 kids. I went through the LPN program 21 years ago with only 2 children, and the RN program one year ago -- with 5 children. Now, I know you say you do not have anyone. Can you contact your local human services department and explain your goals and your situation to them? In the state of Ohio, there are federally funded programs through human services that will pay for your childcare, your tuition, your books, and even gas and lunch money for you to go to LPN school. Some even have lists of potential sitters that work for them to do childcare. I am sure there are programs like this in every state, since it is federally funded. It is worth a try. The worst they can tell you is that you do not qualify.
Yes, you can do anything you set your mind to. It will be difficult, but if you want it bad enough. I did not have the situation you have... I had a good support system... and 5 kids. I went through the LPN program 21 years ago with only 2 children, and the RN program one year ago -- with 5 children. Now, I know you say you do not have anyone. Can you contact your local human services department and explain your goals and your situation to them? In the state of Ohio, there are federally funded programs through human services that will pay for your childcare, your tuition, your books, and even gas and lunch money for you to go to LPN school. Some even have lists of potential sitters that work for them to do childcare. I am sure there are programs like this in every state, since it is federally funded. It is worth a try. The worst they can tell you is that you do not qualify.Goodluck!!
Thanks for the info, I did not know they had programs like that. I will definitely check into it now. I commend you for what you've done with your career, and wow, with 5! I feel that I can do it, and I know that this is the time. I hope to be as successful as you.
As I said before, you can do anything you want to do, if you put your mind to it! Goodluck!!
2 Posts
Just wanted to tell you, my mom went to College when she was 35 years old, 4 kids and 3 jobs. and she graduated summa cumm ladde with a 3.98 GPA. sHE had no previous experience or education besides a HS Diploma. You can do it! I was the youngest, in 2nd grade. I look up to my mom a lot and admire her hard work, I know I caused her a lot of stress and still do at age 20! =-)
76 Posts
During my 2-year ADN program, I met a girl I'll call "Kate". Kate was married and had one child. The husband was a bumb. During our 2nd semester she got preganant with their second child. She delivered the baby in the 3rd semester. The husband would go out partying and leave her alone at night. She always had problems finding sitters while she did her clinicals. Her husband left her and she was left living in a car with both of her babies in the 4th semester. She later moved in with me, so she could have somewhere to take a shower and sleep at least somewhat comfortable. She graduated on time with the rest of the class. This girl had the courage of a lion. You can do anything you set your mind on doing; not to say it isn't difficult, but where there is will, there is a way.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
I was young and married and already had 6 of our 7 kids and worked 60 hours a week. Was the top in my class. got 2 degrees RN and premed sciences.
And still found time to golf