Can I get a job with a not eligible for rehire status?
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Dear Nurse Beth,
I gave notice while on a write up for a no call/no show and was told I would not be eligible for rehire within the entire hospital network. Fast forward 5 years and a position opened up at the same hospital. I loved it there and thought, it can't hurt to try. I applied, got through the HR phone interview and have an in person with the hiring manager on Tuesday. I don't remember signing anything and my old manager (since retired) didn't like me. Will they find out?
Updated: Published
Dear Nurse Beth,
I gave notice while on a write up for a no call/no show and was told I would not be eligible for rehire within the entire hospital network. Fast forward 5 years and a position opened up at the same hospital. I loved it there and thought, it can't hurt to try. I applied, got through the HR phone interview and have an in person with the hiring manager on Tuesday. I don't remember signing anything and my old manager (since retired) didn't like me. Will they find out?
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