Published Aug 19, 2008
165 Posts
I have a friend of mine who might be intrested working as a C.NA, but my friend found
about two years ago that it was HIV+ after having it's blood drawn for it yearly HIV testing . Is it possilbe??? and
for thoughs who might think it it isn't me...:typing
genaluvya, LPN
57 Posts
WELL Im not sure about this question but if your friend was already in the medical field they will still be allowed to continue working. What will change is that they will be on light duty work to limit spreading infection.
Then again as a CNA or anyone in the health field you are soppuse to practice universal precautions so I guess it wouldn't be a problem if he became a CNA.
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
There's no reason why they can't become a CNA. HIV isn't like strep throat where you an easily give it to your patients. So unless they are having sex with patients or have oozing uncovered wounds the patiends aren't at risk.
25 Posts
There should be no problem with him working as a CNA, and in fact it is illegal for his employer to even ask the question during the hiring process. The risk of transmission is extremely low and unless, as someone stated above, he is engaging in questionable activity or is just clueless about his body he is not a danger to the patients.
heron, ASN, RN
4,401 Posts
Agree that your friend can work.
Disagree about "light duty" ... as was already pointed out, there's no risk of transmission of HIV without body fluid (your friend's) contact.
As long as your friend is getting treatment and tolerating it OK, then s/he should be able to do anything called for in a cna's job description.
Private medical info is just that ... employer has no right to question or know unless your friend is invoking ADA.
With luck, a healthy lifestyle and a good doc, s/he won't have to go that route, at least for a long time.
Have your friend check the CDC website for risk and transmission info.
And give him/her our best wishes.
112 Posts
having the capacity to care for others and the ability to perform necessary tasks for people who cant do for themselves are the key qualities to make a good CNA imho. Your friends sero status should never be an issue except to have them take extra care of themselves in regards to their nutrition and stress management. I know of someone whose CD4 actually finally came up as a CNA without an infection...Their cd4 had stayed in the 425 range after 4years of treatment ...jumped to 699 as an er tech.
416 Posts
yes yes yes! Go for it!
Thanks you to all, for infoming me that my friend is able to work as a C.N.A. My friend has been through the ringer and back. My friend will be very happy to know that s/he will be able to contribute in s/he way. S/he really wants to be able to care for other as other have cared for s/he.
jb2u, ASN, RN
863 Posts
According to the terms of service for this website, seeking legal advice is not allowed. It would be best to address this concern with a lawyer.