Published Dec 20, 2020
SilverBells, BSN
1,107 Posts
Can you be a CRNA if you aren't naturally good at science or hands-on skills?
Obviously a deep knowledge of science is important in the CRNA profession along with being able to perform clinical skills...however, do these things have to be innate qualities or is it something you can work on?
Asking for someone who is curious about the profession but historically does not enjoy science such as Chemistry, physics, etc. and for whom learning tactile skills does not come easily
270 Posts
Honestly, if your self-assessment is accurate, than being a CRNA might not be the best career for you. Things can be learned, but it is hard. And expensive. And time consuming. All to see if you can do it? And that is just the hand skills, upon which people's lives will depend. Add to that, that school, gets exponentially more difficult than BSN courses. Just sayin...
Sedatetime, ADN, BSN, MSN, CRNA
67 Posts
Just like with anything. The more you work at it, it becomes easier. I was like you are at one point thinking I couldn't learn this or that. The problem was I just wasn't given the right tools to learn. But I figured it all out and today I am a CRNA. You need to ditch the limited thinking and believe you can and will do anything if you want it bad enough. I just published a 4 part series on How to learn anything: (even when you think you can't). Let me know how I can help you!