Can anyone recommend a good nursing school?


Hello everyone. I would like your guys input by recommending a good nursing school. I am currently residing in the midwest and I would like to move as far away as possible, preferably schools that are closer on the east or west coast is ideal and the tuition also plays a part in it as well. Since I already hold a bachelors degree, I would like a school that does not require so many prerequisites.

Also, does anyone know if the College of Southern Nevada and Denver School of Nursing are good nursing schools?


Hi Amber,

Do yourself a favor and look into Westchester Community College. I just graduated from there last month.

It's a great program, challenging but very do-able if you make nursing your main priority (which it sounds like you will considering you're willing to move)

You'll graduate with an associates degree but you can still get a job with that (although everyone highly recommends you get your BSN (bachelors science in nursing)) There are many great online RN to BSN programs, many online and cheap. I just enrolled in one for July, it's accredited, cheap, and all online.

Anyway, look into WCC. The pre-requisites shouldn't take you more than a year, they don't ask for anything weird. From the top of my head A&P 1 and 2, micro with lab, chem 1, Nutrition and I think that's it. They have some co-reqs that you can complete while you're in the program.

Getting in is a bit difficult. They accept about 30 students for in sept and jan. You apply a few months in advance. I applied around Feb as I was completing my final pre-req that semester, I took the TEAS exam in April and was accepted I think around May. The only admission criteria is your score on the TEAS exam. The 30 highest scores get in the program. That does sound intimidating but I promise you it's very possible to get a good score if you study for that exam a few months in advance. You sound like an intelligent motivated student so I think you can.

Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!

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