Can anyone dumb down this Hesi thing for me?

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Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

My school just switched to the Hesi test from the NLN. Psych was our first one and I just did the Pharm one yesterday. It was 55 questions and I missed 6, (I did better on this dang test than I did in the class). Anyway, my conversion score says 99.99% and my Percentile reads 98.07% How is that possible when I didn't score perfect and missed 6??

This is exactly how my score reads,

HESI Score: 1134.00 Compared to Recommended: +234 Compared to Acceptable: +284 Class Average: 908 Conversion Score: 99.99% Percentile: 98.07

If anyone could explain to me how this works I would appreciate it, because a 49 out of 55 is an 89%

Thank You

Specializes in Utilization Management.

It has to do with the difficulty of the questions you answered correctly. It was explained to us a few months ago, so I'm a little fuzzy on the details.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

They never explained anything to us. They just told us this semester instead of the NLN we will now be doing Hesi and it's supposed to be better. I have seen it mentioned on these forums a lot so figured someone might know. Anyway, thank you.

I'm not sure about this specific test, but most standardized exams have a certain number of "test" questions they throw in there just to see how they score out for use on future tests. You might have missed some of the fakes and so they didn't count against you.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
I'm not sure about this specific test, but most standardized exams have a certain number of "test" questions they throw in there just to see how they score out for use on future tests. You might have missed some of the fakes and so they didn't count against you.

Oh really? I never knew that. I emailed my Pharm instructor for clarification. It will bug me until I am able to make sense of it. So hopefully he emails me back soon so I don't drive myself more nuts. LOL

Specializes in CNA.
This is exactly how my score reads,

HESI Score: 1134.00 Compared to Recommended: +234 Compared to Acceptable: +284 Class Average: 908 Conversion Score: 99.99% Percentile: 98.07

The scores are rankings. You are at the top. You either knew your stuff way better than your classmates or you rolled some hot dice.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
The scores are rankings. You are at the top. You either knew your stuff way better than your classmates or you rolled some hot dice.

I rolled some hot dice, that's for sure. I just didn't understand how I missed how many I did but still ranked well.

Specializes in CNA.
I rolled some hot dice, that's for sure. I just didn't understand how I missed how many I did but still ranked well.

Your ranking is not based on how well you did, it is based on how well you did compared to others taking the test. You had the highest score in the class, so you get the top ranking.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Your ranking is not based on how well you did, it is based on how well you did compared to others taking the test. You had the highest score in the class, so you get the top ranking.

See that is the other thing I don't get. I didn't have the highest score in the class. Another student got the same as me. On the Hesi thing they send us it says national average and that was my score. It's all confusing to me. I am hoping my instructor will email me back.

Evolve should have sent a report link to whatever email address you entered when you took the test. It does a pretty good job of explaining things if you can find it. I just took my HESI today and this is what the report they sent says about conversion scores: Your "conversion score" is a weighted percentage score that considers the average difficulty of the exam and the average difficulty of the test items you answered.

Basically, five of the questions are pilot questions and don't count for or against you. The rest of the questions are weighted, so some are worth more points than others. The harder ones count more and the easier ones count less. That's how your conversion score can be so high even though you missed 6 of the 55. That's also why they say you can't compare tests with other people because even if you miss the same number of questions, you might have different scores.

The percentile score is based on the number of students who have taken the same test in the past 364 days. For me, it was compared to 25,322 students. Your percentile score means that you scored that much higher than the rest of the students in the nation.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

My instructor just finally emailed me back 2 days ago with an answer, he explained it in a way I finally understood it. I guess I really rocked the Pharm Hesi, With I could have said that with the class. LOL Oh well. Thanks for the explanations though.

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