Camp Nurse?


I graduated nursing school last year and was able to work on a med surg floor for a couple of months. Needless to say it didn't work out but now i have been offered a position for a camp nurse. I worry that my relative new nursing experience has me feeling a little overwhelmed where i will be responsible for 200 campers with one other nurse.

Is this good learning experience? i do love working with people more than anything

Specializes in School Nursing.

I would talk to the camp nurse you would be working with. That's what my camp does. Camp nursing (residential, 8 week) was my first job out of nursing school, but the nurse I worked with was VERY comfortable at camp nursing and had been there a few years. She asked to speak to me since I was new and must have felt we'd make a good team.

I have been there 6 years now. I am currently making similar calls to nurses who are interested to give them an idea of what to expect and see if they're still interested once talking to someone who knows the Infirmary, instead of the camp director who knows the Job Description. (Hope that makes sense)

I would be comfortable taking a new grad under my Camp Nurse wing. It's what I love. I am in the middle of my MSN in Nurse Education, so teaching adults is definitely a passion of mine. As comfortable or uncomfortable you would feel, the other nurse's comfort in having a newer camp nurse as a teammate can make or break it as well.

Specializes in School Nursing.
so great thing i heard from another camp today that offered me a camp nursing position with a staff of 13 nurses and 2 medical doctors . I would feel much more comfortable in this camp.

Congrats! I read the comments after posting my above comment. Woops!

i totally agree with you! i was able to receive the head nurse phone number. i would feel comfortable asking her what to expect, what to study more on and as you said if i would be a good fit. I hope i am because i'm so excited for an opportunity like this!

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