Published Oct 23, 2010
2 Articles; 22 Posts
I recently gave notice and quit from a nursing home that was very difficult to work for. No DON. No ADON. No Unit Manager, and no communication. Today I got a call to come in and "chart" on a patient who has died since I left. I am no longer an employee there. I don't even know what or why I need to chart except the grapevine has it that the family is going to sue, and the nursing home interim DON is trying make everything look nice. I believe I always charted what needed to be charted on all my patients. Can I legally chart an addendum (should I agree that something was missed) after I'm no longer an employee? I believe that the only way I would be able to chart is with an addendum - which is probably not what they want anyway. I may call my Liability Insurance to see if they can offer me some legal advice too. Thanks.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Getting legal advice would undoubtedly be your best action in this case. I am flummoxed - how could they even allow you to access the record in order to chart since you are no longer an employee??? Wouldn't this be a HIPAA violation? Sheesh.... good thing you left.
38,333 Posts
See an attorney, but my gut feeling is that you would be making a mistake to chart at this point, both because the patient is deceased and because you are no longer an employee. My guess is that an attorney advise you not to do it, but check for yourself.