Published May 15, 2005
352 Posts
I'm interested in what kind of call schedule your group has set up?
Particularly those in Level I trauma centers that have to have someone
in house 24/7. I'd also be especially interested to hear from folks
that don't have residents (just Attendings and CRNAs).
Do you have 24 hour call or a night float system? What about
weekends? How many providers on call at a given time? Do you cover
OB? ICU? Codes? As much detail as possible would be greatly appreciated.
Please include if the MDs use the same system and how many total providers
you have, volume (# of ORs to cover, high volume of emergency/trauma -
in other words, do you get any sleep overnight :-) etc...)
502 Posts
In our practice (hospital based), there is a CRNA on call everynight from 3p-7a. We are responsible for all emergency cases, ER call and code call, intubations, IVs (that the team can't start) and A-lines. We have a 14 week rotation schedule that includes call during the week and 2 weekend calls. Our weekend calls are scheduled with a "call partner." One weekend you work Fri 3p-7a, Sat 24hour 2nd call from your home and Sun 24 hour in-house call. Your call partner works the opposite: Fri 11a-7p and then 12 hour 2nd call from their home, Sat 24 hour in-house call and Sun 24 hour 2nd call from the home. We have an MD who is on call with us, but takes it from home. They come in only if there is a case to do. All the other stuff we take care of without them. Of course, if we encounter a "difficult intubation" they will come in to help if asked.
140 Posts
This is a good topic. Those who would be graduating and looking for employment this year better pay attention to this post.
I am currently running into pros and recent, who are having issues with how call is being handled by their facility/group.
All this stress seems to be brought about by the shortage of providers.
It would be best for new prospects to also ask questions about how call is handled before signing on that dotted line.
It appears new grads/ employers expectations of call are not in Sync.
2,438 Posts
The major groups in this area don't have CRNAs on call. The other smaller groups tend to have CRNAs and MDs on call and they share it equally.
1,093 Posts
the job that i am contracted to take has no mandatory on-call nor mandatory wkends... you can take call on these occasions if you choose for extra pay.
pretty good set up :)