on call

Specialties Hospice


How much on call does your hospice typically require from its full time RN case managers? I work for a nonprofit home hospice agency and FT nurse case managers are often expected to work weekly on call (16 or 24 hr shifts) in addition to scheduled weekend workdays. Just wondering what is typical for others and what the compensation is for oncall.

Our RN case managers do on-call only on holidays. Every RN must take 2 holidays per year and work a four hour shift.


Right now we have a PRN nurse who takes call on weekends and another PRN nurse who takes call during the week. So except for holidays and when they have some days scheduled off, the RN case managers don't really take any call. We haven't always had it so good though! In the past, we were typically expected to take at least 1 weekend plus 2-4 weeknights a month.

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