on call dispute


Specializes in geri.
:uhoh3: I am looking on the net for info about on-call weekends. I work the 6-2 shift, with weekends off, at a nursing home. We take call on weekends every 6-8 weeks. only one nurse on call.If someone should call in, how many hours can I be forced to work. Keep in mind there are no written rules to this, just verbal by supervisor:madface: . We were told we a required 16 hours a day for the weekend and the weekend starts after your shift on friday until 6am monday:angryfire . This has not happened yet , but if we lost a weekend nurse, you must cover her weekend doubles(6am-10pm)saturday and sunday,then return monday 6-2. I like my job and my supervisor, but this is so crazy. Not sure if I am wrong or not.

Post moved to a more appropriate Forum. Food luck!

Suebird :)

That's a crummy policy, but who else would end up working? I'm guessing you have the option of trying to find coverage. I would also think you could negotiate a comp day. Are the weekend nurses participating in a weekend option where they get paid more than the number of hourse worked? If so, hopefully someone resigning won't happen too often. I'm at a place in my life where I generally dislike certain things at my job, but I keep reminding myself that it could be a whole lot worse somewhere else. As I'm re-reading your post, I'm realizing that you probably aren't management. In that case, why isn't management taking call? Why should a staff nurse take that kind of call? Are you compensated well for the call? What kind of facility?

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