California Virtual Lab prerequisites


Morning Everybody!

I just want to thank EVERYONE in advance who responses on this thread!

My name is Sarah and I am currently trying to complete my Prerequites for nursing school. I'm 34 and currently reside in Southern California, so yes, this is the second degree mid life crisis moment in my life.

Lucky for me, I took all the appropriate prerequisites back in the early 2000's when I first attempted to get into nursing school.

Unfortunately for me though, California schools still cannot decide rather they want to accept virtual labs or not. (First time around I did the community College impact, wait list, thing. I'm too old to ride that roller coaster again. :dead:)

John Hopkins University, New Mexico Junior College, Trindant University, UC California Berkly Extention, Etc. so many schools accept them. However, so many schools do not! It's frustrating and EXTREMELY inconsistent! Yes, no doubt money has something to do with the push or lack there of. But when one of the top nursing schools in the entire country has all their prerequisites available online......(there has to be some rhyme or reason to it.)

OK..... Got that out of my system

:jester: with all that said, does anyone have a list of schools in California that do accept Virtual Labs to enter their nursing programs?:banghead:

(of course every class would be regionally accredidated.)

Thank You in Advance!

There is only one school that I know of for sure which is Western Governors University who contract with who does online science classes with online labs. I think Azuza.Pacifc might as well.

The majority of schools do not take them.

Good Luck!!

Thanks Shondaj.... I'm contacting APU and UCLA.... I'll see what they say...(hopefully they'll take NMJC... Their price per unit is so much more affordable then any other place I've looked at.:up:

Hi BrownS27. You should also consider Edukan (eduKan Online University | College Online | Degree Programs | Innovating Education). I took Anatomy and Physiology through them and reading NMJC course syllabus, I would highly recommend going through Edukan.

Basically how EduKan, works is that you select a Kansas community college that you will consider your "home" college and take courses through them. I chose Garden City Community College as my "home" college (Garden City Community College). The best part is that I only paid $135 per unit (this is both in state and out of state). Also, when they send transcripts it will be from the community college you pick and it will not say that you took the course online it will show basically the same information as if it was taken on-site from that college. Any college you decide as being your "home" college are all Regionally Accredited.

I used the courses to apply for admission to my program and I was accepted. I also contacted community colleges in Southern Cali and they said they would accept them since Garden City CC is regionally accredited. I showed them the course description and everything. I don't think they knew that the class was online because it did no say so anywhere. They won't know unless you tell them.

Like you, I just could not get into any of the science classes at ANY of the CC here in So Cal so I looked for alternatives. Their summer session is starting soon if Edukan interests you I would look into them soon!


Were you able to just sign up for that specific course? Did you have to take an assessment test?

Hi Khammy, I was able to just sign up for the course. No assessment tests and no prereqs. Also, for Microbiology and Anatomy & Phys I, you do not need to purchase the book (comes with tuition an e-textbook) and the labs are all virtual. For Anatomy & Phys II there are very minor things you have to purchase for dissection.

Are the classes difficult? What schools did you ask would take it in Southern California?

Hi BrownS27. The classes were average in difficulty. I think the tests were reasonable and reflects the content that is being taught. Basically, there were no surprise questions on tests/quizzes if you studied.

The CC is in San Diego. However, I would advise that you send the course description/catalog to the community college you are planning to apply to beforehand. What I also did was in the email I included the link to the community colleges ADN website that showed that particular Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology are their pre-reqs for the program. By having them pre-evaluated at least you have documentation that they cleared you to take the course. I think this advice is for anyone taking classes that is out of state whether in class or online.

Lastly, if you decide to do Edukan, the course number in the Edukan website (where you register) and the course number in your home college might not be the same. However, when they send the transcript it will show the course number from your home college.

I chose Garden City because their course catalog was the clearest:

Here's a link to their ADN site: Nursing and Allied Health

Also, if you have a degree already I would take a look at Western Governors University's BSN Prelicensure program. They have the program available in Southern California. One of the cohorts in Southern California do their clinical rotation at Cedar Sinai Hospital (magnet status), one of the top hospitals in the nation.

I know for a fact they will take Edukan courses because I was admitted and will be starting the program.

YNJT..... Thanks a bunch! I emailed an advisor at UCLA for their entry level masters program and he was cool with micro and AP 1&2 at NMJC.... So I'm pretty psyched about that. Still waiting on APU's response.....(I went their for my bachelors and my sister got her BSN there and my nephew is starting in the fall...) lol.... I'm hoping for some kind of family discount! :facepalm:;)

Thanks again for your help... You know.... I didn't start a program in the early 2000's because I was eager to get out on my own and I didn't want to wait 2 years to get into a program. It's sad that in California there's still so many obstacles for everyone..... *sigh* anyways.... Thanks Again

That is great! I'm glad they were approved! I would def. go with NMJC. However, I would still look into other nursing schools and request pre-evaluation for NMJC. Not that I am doubting your capabilities of getting into UCLA, but you just never know with CA its so competitive.

Hey, do you know anywhere on the RN California website that states what classes are required for nursing schools? Like.... Why do some places require chemistry and not others?

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