CA to NY endoresing NLCEX-RN Result; NY Minimum Wage?

World International


I already have NCLEX-RN registred to CA, I want it to move to New York. Does New York would require me Credential Verification Service for New York State? Also. I already have my Visa Screen And IELTS. How much is the minimum wage/hr in NY? would $26.75 (for MS-ICU Nurse)makes me survive in such expensive city?

I need your opinion, I am about to sign a contract. But it bothers me much, Coz, They dont reimburse my expenses in licensure and VS/IELTS and little benefits, unlike other employer

You only need to complete the Form 1 as all of the other information will be obtained by CGFNS. Even if you used any of the other services from CGFNS, NY requires that they obtain all of the information directly or they will not use it. And this is per the contract that they have with NY, not a request of CGFNS.

You do not have a license number to endorse, that is why you will not use that application. But it does not matter since NY still requires the CVS, for anyone that trained out of the US.

That prevailing wage is low for NY and chances are that it will not get approved.

I would be very careful with signing anything right now, since you are going to be looking at years for a chance at a green card. And suspect that this is also for a nursing home where you will be responsible for up to 60 patients per shift and one of the easiest places to lose a license. If you do, then everything gets cancelled out.

Who is your sponsor then?? A nursing home? Rate is still low, and what does it mean "only prevailing rate"? They are paying not well then, and you are not even offered healthinsurance!

And it's never what they say, it's what's written down in your contract, that's what you sign.

But anyway if you want to go that route good luck.

You should apply first I think and see if they accept everything and then you can take those courses online (I believe)


E.Health Benefits: Employees are entitled to enroll in the "Sponsor's" health insurance program available during the enrollment period for the Employee’s eligibility at the cost of the "Sponsor". Information about the plan is given to the applicant for employment at the in-person interview. Participation in this plan is optional. Eligibility for participation by an Employee is conditioned upon the Employee maintaining full-time status (work at least (36) hours per week). Dependent coverage is a contributory plan and can be arranged through a payroll deduction.

You only need to complete the Form 1 as all of the other information will be obtained by CGFNS. Even if you used any of the other services from CGFNS, NY requires that they obtain all of the information directly or they will not use it. And this is per the contract that they have with NY, not a request of CGFNS.

You do not have a license number to endorse, that is why you will not use that application. But it does not matter since NY still requires the CVS, for anyone that trained out of the US.

That prevailing wage is low for NY and chances are that it will not get approved.

I would be very careful with signing anything right now, since you are going to be looking at years for a chance at a green card. And suspect that this is also for a nursing home where you will be responsible for up to 60 patients per shift and one of the easiest places to lose a license. If you do, then everything gets cancelled out.

I know that i have to get the CVS of NewYork State in cgfns. costs $350. They ( instructed me to fill up form 1, for application for Licensure that costs $135. the Form 3(Verification of Other Professional Licensure/Certification) to be filled up and send to California Board of Nursing and again, it will costs me $60.

Cant understand if i reallyhave to take the Child Abuse Identification and Reporting course prior to application of licensure... Any one here in the Philippines who applied to New York? tell me your experience about applying NCLEX-RN in NY..

You actually need to complete both of those courses before NY will issue a license to you. They can be done on-line and only cost about $15 each to complete.

Every single nurse that did not attend nursing school in NY has to complete these two courses, even if they trained in the US.

They take less than an hour each, nothing to worry about. It used to be that one could take them once they were licensed, but then many decided not to comply with the requirement. So NY now requires that they be completed right from the beginning.

It is not specific to those from the Philippines and much has already been written on this topic, please just do a search here.

You actually need to complete both of those courses before NY will issue a license to you. They can be done on-line and only cost about $15 each to complete.

Every single nurse that did not attend nursing school in NY has to complete these two courses, even if they trained in the US.

They take less than an hour each, nothing to worry about. It used to be that one could take them once they were licensed, but then many decided not to comply with the requirement. So NY now requires that they be completed right from the beginning.

It is not specific to those from the Philippines and much has already been written on this topic, please just do a search here.

Can I take the course before releasing my License? for now. I would like to apply for my licensure.

Sorry for interruption. Does filling in Forms 1 and 3 by your current BON means you can endorse your lisence to NY even without SSN?

What should be filled in in my school? I’m a bit lost.

Thank you.

Can I take the course before releasing my License? for now. I would like to apply for my licensure.

They are not going to do anything with it without the courses being completed, that is what they have posted on their site as well.

Do you actually have the CVS completed or are you just applying for it now? NY will not do anything with your application without the CVS report being in their hands. There is no rush to get things done with NY unless your letter is going to expire with CA BRN, otherwise you will still need to be paying for the renewal of the NY license, as it will expire every two years as well.

Form 3 does not need to be sent in by you either since you will be getting the CVS completed. It is the responsibility of CGFNS with the CVS to obtain any proof of license or exam passing. There is no reason for you to be sending that in. Who ever told you to do so at NY gave you incorrect information since you need to go thru the CVS process as a foreign graduate. If you notice on their paperwork, it states that a foreign nurse only need to complete the Form 1. CVS will take care of everything else.

Sorry for interruption. Does filling in Forms 1 and 3 by your current BON means you can endorse your lisence to NY even without SSN?

What should be filled in in my school? I’m a bit lost.

Thank you.

Nothing should be filled in by your school, the CVS will take care of that. NY will not accept anything that CGFNS did not actually request be sent to them.

You will not be endorsing if you do not hold an actual license from the other state.

They are not going to do anything with it without the courses being completed, that is what they have posted on their site as well.

Do you actually have the CVS completed or are you just applying for it now? NY will not do anything with your application without the CVS report being in their hands. There is no rush to get things done with NY unless your letter is going to expire with CA BRN, otherwise you will still need to be paying for the renewal of the NY license, as it will expire every two years as well.

Form 3 does not need to be sent in by you either since you will be getting the CVS completed. It is the responsibility of CGFNS with the CVS to obtain any proof of license or exam passing. There is no reason for you to be sending that in. Who ever told you to do so at NY gave you incorrect information since you need to go thru the CVS process as a foreign graduate. If you notice on their paperwork, it states that a foreign nurse only need to complete the Form 1. CVS will take care of everything else.

REALLY? the CGFNS would have the responsibility for CVS for proof of passing NCLEX-RN.. What if, I already have my VisaScreen Certificate. Would i sent another License verification from CA BrN to CGFNS/CVS division? because i sent one during my VSC application

This is the point that I am trying to make, even though you submitted everything to CGFNS for the VSC; they cannot use one single piece of it. They will obtain everything, that is per the rule of NY.

If you notice on the application for the CVS, it states that all information obtained for this can be used for the VSC; however, it does not work the other way around.

CGFNS is going to need to obtain your school records, as well as verificaton of licensure from any state or country where you tested or hold a license. This is what you are paying for and why the CVS usually takes about 8 months to complete.

You do not send anything to CA, CGFNS will have to submit their needed letter to them or they cannot accept it to be used for the CVS. Every single item must be obtained by CGFNS, and it states so right on the CVS application.

So you have all of the time in the world to get the two courses done, I also would not send in the Form 1 as of yet to NY; not until CGFNS tells you that it was completed. There is no state that likes to have just applications floating around that they cannot do anything with for a long period of time.

Thank you, Very informative.

So, the $350 pays all? including license verification to CA,, how about the trascript? my school doesnt issue trascript without payment. If time comes the CGFNS/CVS-NYS requests TOR to my school directly, who gonna pay them? does CGFN/CVS also will send license verification here in the Philippines since i got license to practice here aside of that in CA? Licensing body here in the Philippines also required payment for such verification, who gonna pay them?

Sorry, I am much confused. I should know now the consequences that my come in the future,.. If I knew how hard NY licensing would be, I rejected the contract to work in NY... But I appreciate the helping hands of people here in

Thank you

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