c section scrub



Waht advice would you give an ob/gyn rn tghat want to learn toscrub for c sections and emergency ob surgery?

Would you sugggest going to the OR to train or labor and del OR for just sections

any suggestions??


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I think it would depend on the facility. Are c-sections/emergency ob surgeries done in the OB unit or in the OR? At one hospital I've worked in, c-sections were done on the OB unit, and were staffed by the OB nurses (OR was not involved). In the hospital where I work now, we have a women's hospital, and all gyn/ob surgeries and c-sections are done in the actual OR. The OR is a closed unit, and L&D nurses are solely caregivers for the neonate.

That being said, a surgical technology book can help teach you the instrumentation, anatomy, and other relevent information for the actual surgery, but nothing beats actual experience. Try shadowing a nurse who scrubs, and if possible where you work, see if you can scrub along with them.

Also keep in mind that many facilities utilize surgical techs to scrub because they are cheaper, and nurses only circulate. Not to mention that orientation for many OR nurses is the better part of a year, so it's really not something that can be taught in a short amount of time.

Thank you we have two ors for our own c-sections we also havescrub tech and some nurses can scrub shadowing an rn thats scrubbing good idea!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Obs & gynae theatres.

I learnt by shadowing other staff. As the majority of ours are done under spinal, I felt it better to ease into gradually as I don't think the Mother would be comforted by hearing me say 'I don't know what I'm doing', lol.

I can scrub on my own now - for electives and emergencies- after 4 months, but still need someone experienced in the room with me. Just incase.

I have yet (thank goodness!), had to scrub for a crash section.

Thank you

How long do you think an RN should have to learn scrub and be competent

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Learn from the OR and OB they have different things to teach OR is better at the surgical/OR/anesthesia skills, OB is better at maternity related stuff like cord blood, PPH, meds, etc.

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