Published Feb 1, 2013
13 Posts
Is anyone applying to Burlington County College for Spring 2014? Have you applied before? What pre-reqs do you currently have completed? I am getting a little nervous about the whole process. Just wondering if anyone else is applying and how you are feeling about the roller coaster ride we are getting ready to get on.
4 Posts
Hello,Is anyone applying to Burlington County College for Spring 2014? Have you applied before? What pre-reqs do you currently have completed? I am getting a little nervous about the whole process. Just wondering if anyone else is applying and how you are feeling about the roller coaster ride we are getting ready to get on.PD
I finished the nursing program at BCC about four yrs ago I would recommend having all of your pre- reqs done prior to applying for the program. I had all of mine done prior to applying and got in the first time I applied. Other people that I had talked to prior to entering the program didn't have theirs completed and didn't get in!!!! Plus the program is hard enough just taking the nursing courses it takes up all your time you don't wanna add more stress of additional classes
Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I will have all of my pre reqs done by summer 1. What did you think of the program ? What are you doing now ? Do you enjoy working as a nurse ?
I thought the program was really great I love being a nurse I was doing sub acute care but am currently managing a dementia unit
1 Post
I graduated in May from the program and I enjoyed the program, and just passed my boards last month. I also agree that you should get all your pre Reqs done, the program puts you thru enough stress, you don't need to worry about anything but the nursing course you are in. But overall I'm glad I decided to go to BCC for my degree.
50 Posts
Who's the best teacher to take for microbiology and lab?
17 Posts
I applied to spring 2014. I just finished my last prerequisite's final which was bio 120-121 because I din't have the appropriate BIO from high school (I applied to fall 2013 but didn't get accepted because of that.). Hopefully it works out this time. For micro lab I had ( name redacted as per site ToS/privacy) she was a great lab teacher as long as you pay attention and do what she asks you should be good. For lecture I had (name redacted per site ToS/privacy) He wasn't bad but Micro in itself is a lot of information... study study study, is all I got to say.
8 Posts
Yes! I am applying to Spring 2014 as well!! I just finished my last pre-reqs over Summer I (Statistics, Philosophy, and Med Admin) and am now hoping to get a letter in the mail soon!! Would you like to keep in touch? It's good to know of another person trying to get into the program. If we both are accepted, lets be study buddies!! LOL :)
18 Posts
Hey everyone! My name is Ashley... I also applied to the Spring 2014 nursing program. I am so nervous about finding out if i got in or not. I finished all my pre reqs summer 2 and pass my teas. Hopefully we get our letters in the mail soon. Im really interested what other people got on there teas. If anyone that also applied please let me know... Thanks
Is everyone here starting at Nursing 101? Am I the only LPN going for advanced standing?
Also, when do they send out the acceptance letters? In October right? Or November. October is bad enough but if it's November...I think I'll die from the waiting!! LOL
They start sending out acceptance letters the end of september and begining of october. I talked to someone from the nursing department and they havent even started the process yet :-( .... I hope this month flys by because i dont know how much longer i can wait lol